March 3, 2010
Video – Fi News #68: Bushfire at Perth Friary !
Fi News #68 - Bushfire at Perth Friary ! ( 05min) >>> Play In the afternoon of March 1st, 2010 a bushfire started near the friary in Perth, Australia and grew quickly. It…

September 13, 2010
Video – Variety #87: Bloomington Butterflies
Variety #87 - Those Bloom'n Butterflies of Bloomington ( 01min) >>> Play Ave Maria! At our Bloomington, Indiana friary the butterflies discovered our blooming flowers in front of the statue of Mary at…

Breezy Point Catholics Meet For Mass After Hurricane Sandy, Taking ‘Strength In Faith’
November 5, 2012
Breezy Point Catholics Meet For Mass After Hurricane Sandy, Taking ‘Strength In Faith’
Even Huffington Post is tacking up the story of the survivors of the Hurricane Sandy coming to give thanks and receive heavenly strength at the last standing structure at Breezy Point, NY, a statue of…

January 7, 2013
Video – Fi News #138: Cardinal Burke Blesses Friary Statue of Blessed John Dun Scotus
Fi News #138 - Unveiling and blessing of the statue. ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On December 12th, 2012, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke blessed a newly unveiled statue of Blessed…

Marian devotees visit underwater statue | Cebu News
September 13, 2013
Marian devotees visit underwater statue | Cebu News
Ave Maria! This one is interesting. Marian devotion takes all forms in the Philippines! Divers from different groups say a prayer and offer flowers at an image of the Virgin Mary 80 feet…

November 26, 2013
Nov 26 – Homily – Fr Benedict: St. Leonard of Port Maurice
Homily #131126 ( 09min) Play - Father explains from the book of Daniel the golden statue, and how, like St. Leonard of Port Maurice, Franciscan and patron of parish missions who preached and…

October 31, 2015
Video – Elevation of Virgin Mary Statue Atop Bell Tower – FINEWS 155
Fi News #155 - ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Friars and friends watch as the six-foot solid marble statue of the Virgin Mary is finally lifted, as if in another Assumption, forty-five…

CNA/EWTN: Why the devil hates Mary – especially during exorcisms
Ave Maria! An Italian exorcist has spoken up, linking recent worldwide attacks on the Virgin Mary to the devil's particular hatred for her. See also these two articles if you wish; they discuss…

The New York Times: Virgin Mary Statue, Intact Among Ecuador’s Quake Ruins, Becomes a Beacon of Hope
March 22, 2018
The New York Times: Virgin Mary Statue, Intact Among Ecuador’s Quake Ruins, Becomes a Beacon of Hope
Ave Maria! This beautiful story from the New York Times explains how the traditionally acclaimed miraculous statue of Our Mother of Monserrate is serving as a beacon of hope for the people of…

Aleteia: Policeman saves lives of three women — and credits the Virgin Mary
Ave Maria! This morning, I enjoyed reading a beautiful, simple testimony about how Mary saved lives through a cop in Virginia. Have a good time with the read. It's no coincidence what Officer…

Catholic Church to examine weeping Virgin Mary in Hobbs | KOB 4
Ave Maria! A story that's hitting quite a few headlines is the weeping statue of the Virgin Mary at Hobbs, New Mexico. Hundreds of people gather to watch as the statue weeps tears…

Catholic Online: The Virgin Mary returns triumphant to city ravaged by ISIS!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5fbc5Whcuo Ave Maria! I noticed this beautiful story about the return of Christians and the Virgin Mary to the city of Erbil in Iraq, following ISIS' defeat. In contrast to the rest of…

Pope Francis Celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
December 9, 2019
Pope Francis Celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1gD1YeS-U0 Pope Francis Celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception today (Dec 9th, 2019) at the Spanish Steps in Rome. He reminds us to not despair over sin when we have a repentant…

April 2, 2020
Fatima Pilgrim Statue – Tom Ross – Bloomington, IN
Ave Maria! Tom Ross of the blue Army sets a packed house of Fatima devotees on fire with his talk at the Sacred Heart Chapel at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center…