Video – Fi News #68: Bushfire at Perth Friary !

By March 3, 2010October 22nd, 2014Fi News, Fr. Joseph McShane, Mission Down Under, Missions
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In the afternoon of March 1st, 2010 a bushfire started near the friary in Perth, Australia and grew quickly. It jumped the main road and approached our backyard. We decided to evacuate the friary. We took the Blessed Sacrament, a few liturgical items of worth, a few personal items (passports, etc.) and the computers and loaded up the cars. We turned on the lawn sprinklers on the side facing the fire, closed all windows and doors, placed a statue of Our Lady to watch over the fire and drove down the road to a safe distance to wait it out. Roads were blocked by the police. After noticing that the smoke in the immediate area of the friary had died down and after the police told us the friary was ok, we went to a benefactor’s house for something to eat and drink only to be allowed back onto the property around 10:00pm. Damage was limited to a few sheds in the area, no homes or loss of life but about 47 hectares (115 acres) burned.

In the afternoon of March 1st, 2010 a bushfire started near the friary in Perth, Australia and grew quickly. It jumped the main road and approached our backyard. We decided to evacuate the friary. We took the Blessed Sacrament, a few liturgical items of worth, a few personal items (passports, etc.) and the computers and loaded up the cars. We turned on the lawn sprinklers on the side facing the fire, closed all windows and doors, placed a statue of Our Lady to watch over the fire and drove down the road to a safe distance to wait it out. Roads were blocked by the police. After noticing that the smoke in the immediate area of the friary had died down and after the police told us the friary was ok, we went to a benefactor’s house for something to eat and drink only to be allowed back onto the property around 10:00pm. Damage was limited to a few sheds, no homes or loss of life and about 47 hectares (115 acres) burned.

Fra Cyprian

Author Fra Cyprian

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Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Brother Skeet says:

    Glad all is well

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Thank you Mary that the fires were extinguished and friars and friary were spared.

    The note at the end of the video mentions a similar event that happened at the FI friary in Toodyay last December. I guess the FI missions in Australia are really getting HOT.

    Good video and reporting.

    Fra Roderic

  • Carol Girard says:

    Ave Maria
    Fra Roderic they must be getting hot. Fathers commit at the end about his feet feeling like they are on fire explains a great deal.

  • Other Mary says:

    Deo Gratias! Can’t believe how close a call that was! Thank you, Blessed Mother! Glad you are safe, friars!

  • Donna says:

    Ave Maria!
    Praise be Jesus and Mary all are safe! Will keep you all in prayers!

    Ave Maria!

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