St. Louis Marie de Montfort and the Holy Rosary
April 28, 2017
St. Louis Marie de Montfort and the Holy Rosary
Ave Maria Meditations 21 Things St. Louis de Montfort (feast day is April 28th) said About the Rosary and Marian Devotion (1) “It is through the most Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ…

Consecrating to Our Lady…
May 9, 2017
Consecrating to Our Lady…
Ave Maria Meditations O beloved Mother of God, most amiable child Mary! Just as you presented yourself in the Temple and with promptitude and without reserve consecrated yourself to the glory and love…

St. Paschal Baylon: Patron of Eucharistic Societies
May 17, 2017
St. Paschal Baylon: Patron of Eucharistic Societies
Ave Maria Meditations Prayer Litany to St. Paschal (feast day is May 17th): Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously…

St. Bernardine of Siena
May 20, 2017
St. Bernardine of Siena
Ave Maria Meditations Saint Bernardine of Siena’s Story (feast day is May 20th): Most of the saints suffer great personal opposition, even persecution. Bernardine, by contrast, seems more like a human dynamo who…

Mary, Help of Christians
May 24, 2017
Mary, Help of Christians
Ave Maria Meditations To Mary, Help of Christians (Feast Day is May 24th): Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, how sweet it is to come to your feet imploring your perpetual help. …

St. John Paul II’s Consecration Prayer to Our Lady
May 31, 2017
St. John Paul II’s Consecration Prayer to Our Lady
Ave Maria Meditations Mother of All Men and Women and of All Peoples O Mother of all men and women, and of all peoples, you who know all their sufferings and their hopes, you…

A Prayer of Trust and Confidence
June 6, 2017
A Prayer of Trust and Confidence
Ave Maria Meditations O Lord, we ask for a boundless confidence and trust in Your divine mercy, and the courage to accept the crosses and sufferings which bring immense goodness to our souls…

A Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua
June 13, 2017
A Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua
Ave Maria Meditations O dear protector, Saint Anthony, this day we direct our fervent prayer to you, asking you to hear us and to intercede for us. We are parents who ask for…

Bread of Life
June 18, 2017
Bread of Life
Ave Maria Mediations In order to draw closer to men and give them a more convincing proof of His love, Eternal Wisdom went so far as to become man, even to become…

Early Christian Martyrs
June 30, 2017
Early Christian Martyrs
Ave Maria Meditations Cyprian sends greetings to his brother Cornelius. My very dear brother, we have heard of the glorious witness given by your courageous faith. On learning of the honor you had…

Our Lady of Fatima: Apparition of July 13, 1917
July 13, 2017
Our Lady of Fatima: Apparition of July 13, 1917
Ave Maria Meditations As the July date approached Lucia continued to be troubled by the words of her pastor that the devil might be behind the apparitions. Finally, she confided to Jacinta that…

Hold Fast!
July 17, 2017
Hold Fast!
Ave Maria Meditations In these times of doctrinal confusion we must take particular precautions not to give away in the content of our faith, not even in the slightest degree! For if one…

Sinner to Saint
July 22, 2017
Sinner to Saint
Ave Maria Meditations How great the tale, that there should be, In God's Son's Heart, a place for me! That on a sinner's lips like mine The cross of Jesus Christ should shine!…

Prayer to St. Charbel
July 24, 2017
Prayer to St. Charbel
Ave Maria Meditations PRAYER TO SAINT CHARBEL MAKHLOUF (feast day is July 24th) Lord, infinitely Holy and Glorified in Your Saints, You have inspired Charbel, the saint monk, to lead the perfect life…