Mission Down Under #7 – 1st year anniversary of WYD in Sydney
August 31, 2009
Mission Down Under #7 – 1st year anniversary of WYD in Sydney
Mission Down Under #7 - 1st year anniversary of WYD in Sydney ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! This short video captures some of the events which took place during the 1st year…

February 8, 2010
Video – Fi News #64: Sledding at Bloomington
Fi News #64 - Fr. Elias with sled on the precipice. ( 03min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Elias and the other friars and local youth sled down the l-o-o-o-o-ng steep hill at…
Mountains with St Francis 1/2
March 6, 2010
Mountains with St Francis 1/2
Ave Maria! This one is by the FI's in Italy about their "Field School" that they hold each year with youth in the majestic Italian Alps. The beautiful footage is set to music…
Mountains with St Francis 2/2
March 7, 2010
Mountains with St Francis 2/2
Ave Maria! This is Part Two that continues from yesterday's post on the FI's in Italy and their "Field School" that they hold each year with youth in the majestic Italian Alps.

March 28, 2010
Video – Face of Pro-Life #92: Youth from Holy Family Academy
Face of Pro-Life #92 - Gabriella Velazquez and Sarah Cloutier with Corinn Dahm ( 30min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Gabriella Velazquez and Sarah Cloutier from the Catholic Club at the Holy Family Academy…

July 29, 2010
Mission Down Under #8 – SCENE 2010 in Sydney
Mission Down Under #8 – SCENE 2010 in Sydney ( 5 min)>>> Play Ave Maria! This week-long event was organized by SCENE (Sydney Congress Embracing the New Evangelisation) and was designed to keep…

FiNews – AirMaria In Madrid
August 17, 2011
FiNews – AirMaria In Madrid
Ave Maria! The AirMaria team is in Madrid and will start posting video soon - hopefully. After a long flight, with a long layover, and travel time (36 hours all told) we finally…

FiNews – Lightning, Thunder and Rain at WYD Vigil
August 20, 2011
FiNews – Lightning, Thunder and Rain at WYD Vigil
Ave Maria! Lightning bolts come down at the vigil at WYD. No one got hurt. But many got wet. Below is a photo by Fra Didacus. Nice!! Below is a professional photo by…