FiNews – Pope Benedict XVI: Historical First Visit to the USA
Ave Maria! The following is a video posted on YouTube in which the Holy Father talks about his visit to the United States. He should be stepping on the tarmac at 4pm today,…

Where Peter is, there is Christ?s Church
April 15, 2008
Where Peter is, there is Christ?s Church
From Ave Maria Meditations by JosephMary Ubi Petrus ibi Ecclesia : Where Peter is, there is Christ's Church The primacy of Peter. The love of the early Chris?tians for Peter The Church is…

FiNews – Pope Saying the Rosary with FI’s on EWTN
Ave Maria! Well almost. Starting at 9:00pm tonight EWTN will replay a prerecorded recitation of the rosary by the Pope at St. Mary Major in Rome (one of the 4 Basilicas of Vatican…

May 27, 2008
Video – No Apologies #47 – Primacy of Peter
No Apologies #47 - A visible Church requires a visible head. ( 07min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Amongst the Apostles it's clear that our Lord singled out one to hold a unique place…
July 25, 2008
Jul 25 – Homily – Fr Ignatius Mary: Humanae Vitae
Homily #080725 ( 14min) Play - Today we celebrate the Feast of St. James the Apostle, and the 40th anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae. In today's homily Father Ignatius speaks about our…

July 29, 2008
Video – Roving Reporter #41 – FIs in WYD Sydney ’08
Roving Reporter #41 - Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate go to WYD Sydney, packing their new video camera. ( 7min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The friars from down under in our Perth, Australian…

The Dry Wood – Hilda Nicolosi – Paring Down the Human Race: In Vitro Breeding – Part 3/3
October 16, 2008
The Dry Wood – Hilda Nicolosi – Paring Down the Human Race: In Vitro Breeding – Part 3/3
IVF:? Part Three (Part Two here) "The Lord called me from birth: from my mother's womb he gave me my name."? (Isaiah 49: 1-6) What's the big deal? Have we not advanced to…

News – Pope Benedict XVI Praises John Duns Scotus
December 23, 2008
News – Pope Benedict XVI Praises John Duns Scotus
Ave Maria! Below is an Article from Zenit News. One correction: Cologne is not the place of his birth, but rather of his death. Faith-Reason Harmony Praised in Duns Scotus Pope Recalls Franciscan…
Insights into the Coredemption
January 3, 2009
Insights into the Coredemption
Fr. Philip Neri Powell from Domine da mihi hanc aquam! has posted a very enlightened defense of Marian coredemption. In particular I would like to make note of his replies to the objections…

The Source of My Vocation by Pope John Paul II
February 18, 2009
The Source of My Vocation by Pope John Paul II
Ave Maria Meditations I set off in search of the source of my vocation. It is beating there … in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. I thank God that during the Great Jubilee…
April 30, 2009
Apr 30 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Pius V and the Bread of Life
Homily #090430 ( 06min) Play - Today we need good fathers such as Pope St. Pius V who knows how to feed his children with the Bread of Life. Ave Maria! Mass readings…