Jan 20 – No Homily
January 20, 2009
Jan 20 – No Homily
Ave Maria! Sorry, no homily today due to the fact that we are traveling down to DC for the March for Life. We will be posting some videos as we go. Keep checking…
Live Video of Trip to DC, March for Life
January 20, 2009
Live Video of Trip to DC, March for Life
Ave Maria! We are on our way to DC for the March for Life. We will be stopping in at Emmitsburg, MD for the night then heading to DC in the morning. We…

January 24, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter: #56 Fr Frank Pavone
Roving Reporter #56 - Type the Caption here ( 08min) >>> Play Ave Maria! So our Roving Reporter landed another big fish when he was given this interview yesterday by Fr Frank Pavone,…

March is the Month dedicated to St. Joseph
February 28, 2009
March is the Month dedicated to St. Joseph
Ave Maria Meditations A Novena The man nearest to Christ Jesus was His foster father, Joseph the carpenter. John the Baptist saw Christ briefly near the Jordan and knew that his work as Precursor…

January 10, 2010
Video – Face of Pro-Life #82: Leticia Velasquez K.I.D.S.
Face of Pro-Life #82 - Leticia Velasquez on how to Keep Infants with Down Syndrome ( 30min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Leticia Velasquez tells her plight on the difficulties of finding health care…

September 16, 2010
Video – Fi News #82: Indiana Friary Construction
Fi News #82 - Marian Friary in Progress ( 06min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Here is a video of the construction on the new Marian Friary of Our Lady Coredemptrix which started on…

January 27, 2011
Video – Variety #116: TimeLapse March for LIFE DC 2011
Variety #116 - Time Lapse ( 01min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The time it took for the March to pass our camera was 1 hour 31 minutes. Ave Maria! +++

January 31, 2015
Video – Variety 257: March for LIFE DC 2015: We Must Fight For Life
Variety #257 - ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The "March for Life" was a peaceful demonstration/rally held in Washington, D.C., on January 22, 2015. Here are mini interviews of some participants and footage…

March 6, 2016
Video – The power of St. Joseph – MNOW 23
Mary Now #23 ( 09min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle on how March is the month of St Joseph and how the Church highlights the dignity of Joseph and the power of his intercession.…

March: A Month for St. Joseph
March 1, 2019
March: A Month for St. Joseph
Ave Maria Meditations: This month we will feature some thoughts and prayers dedicated to Saint Joseph... Prayer to St. Joseph: To thee, 0 Blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our afflictions, and having…