Video – Fi News #82: Indiana Friary Construction
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Ave Maria!
Here is a video of the construction on the new Marian Friary of Our Lady Coredemptrix which started on March 25th, 2010 on the Feast of the Annunciation and shows the process up through August.The friary will be 22,000 square feet and have room for 28 friars with two floors, a partial basement and a bell tower that will be 86 feet high. The bell tower will have 3 bells from a local church that recently closed and the top 16 ft will be an illuminated cross. The friary is being built adjacent to the existing chapel on the property and will have direct access to the chapel's main floor from the friary's 2nd floor and to the chapel's basement from the friary's first floor.
The planned opening is spring 2011. Keep this project in your prayers.
Below are some pictures of some more progress since the video was taken. We will keep you posted
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Ave Maria!

Let’s pray that Our Lady fill this new friary very soon!
May the world be filled with Franciscans! 🙂
Ave Maria!
Wow, wow, and MORE wow!! That is going to be an awesome friary! Yes – fill it up, Blessed Mother! Love the surprise ending! Ave Maria!
Looking good Father. Its come along a lot since Ive been gone. When is the next video coming?
Ave Maria
Our Lady says that there will be Vocations Lining the hill tops, this is a dream come true.
I can’t wait to see message fulfilled when this friary has been completed with many Holy Vocations. Priests and Brothers…
Ave Maria!
Everytime I visit or deliver Reward Wall to the jobsite on the hill, I get goosebumps ! GREAT JOB Ed Mobley and the crew !