Friday Abstinence
May 13, 2008
Friday Abstinence
Did you know? The abolition of Friday abstinence is a common misapprehension. Friday abstinence was not abolished; rather, the faithful (U.S.A.) now have a choice either to abstain from meat or perform some…

Answered prayer: The Powerful Tears of a Mother
August 27, 2008
Answered prayer: The Powerful Tears of a Mother
St. Monica (August 27th) and St. Augustine (August 28th) ? The great bishop of Milan, St. Ambrose, knowing of her prayers and tears for her son, told St.Monica that "it is impossible that…

January 18, 2009
Jan 18 – Homily – Fr Tito: UPS Package
Homily #090118t ( 06min) Play - Unity, Presence, Sacrifice. Ave Maria! Mass readings +++

Mysterium Fidei
June 13, 2009
Mysterium Fidei
Ave Maria Meditations + The Mystery of Faith: TRANSUBSTANTIATION + The words of Our Lord cannot be watered down: the bread which I shall give is my flesh for the life of the…

July 1st: Blessed Junipero Serra
July 1, 2009
July 1st: Blessed Junipero Serra
Ave Maria Mediations Blessed Junipero Serra Also known as the Apostle of California The incredible story of a Franciscan friar past the age of 50 and with a bad leg established the California…

July 18, 2009
Video – Rov Reprtr #68: Consecrated Virginity
Roving Reporter #68 - Elizabeth Lee & Friar Roderick Mary ( 09min) >>> Play Ave Maria! St. Cecelia, St. Lucy, St. Agnes - all three of these early Church martyrs were consecrated virgins…

July 30, 2009
Video – Apostles Creed: Art 8 – The Holy Ghost
Immaculate Music #22 - 8th Article of the Apostle's Creed ( 03min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Continuing our series of music videos of the Apostles Creed from the Roman Catechism set to beautiful…

Our Lady of the Angels (of the Portiuncula)
August 2, 2009
Our Lady of the Angels (of the Portiuncula)
Ave Maria Meditations From the Franciscan supplement to the Divine Office: OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS OF THE PORTIUNCULA Feast Our Seraphic Father Francis in keeping with his special love for the Blessed…