Jan 18 – Homily – Fr Tito: UPS Package

By January 18, 2009October 27th, 2011Fr. Tito, St. Mary's, Baltic, CT
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Homily #090118t ( 06min) Play - Unity, Presence, Sacrifice.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • Aimee Fleming says:

    Thank you, Fr. Tito. That was a beautiful homily. It is impossible to love sacrificially without the grace of God. To want more time with the chronically ill or dying is surely a sign of supernatural love. It can be hard to know how to love others but we pray and reach out in love and see what strength God provides, eh. Blessings.

  • DamianSV says:

    SO unique and I’m thrilled to hear you on Airmaria. What a great addition and treasure. The way you do your homilies is beautiful , and beauty is a one of the four transcendentals. The other three are truth , goodness and unity. Yep , I’m listening to Fr Corapi’s End Game , caught in the crossfire , attack/counter-attack.

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