August 23, 2015
Aug 23 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Importance of the Eucharist
Homily #150823n ( 10min) Play - The subject for the past few Sundays has been John 6, which is all about the Eucharist and how essential is it in order to have the…

September 24th: Feast of Our Lady of Ransom
September 24, 2015
September 24th: Feast of Our Lady of Ransom
Ave Maria Meditations The story of Our Lady of Ransom is, at its outset, that of Saint Peter Nolasco, born in Languedoc about 1189. He conceived the idea of establishing a religious order…

April 5, 2016
Variety #293 – Fra Solanus talks about the 1916 Easter Rising and the Faith of the Leaders
Variety #293 - Fra Solanus talks about the 1916 Easter Rising and the Faith of the Leaders ( 38min) >>> Play Ave Maria! This year, 2016, sees the celebration of the centenary of…

I Die the King’s Good Servant but God’s First…
June 22, 2016
I Die the King’s Good Servant but God’s First…
Ave Maria Meditations Encore St. Thomas More, a Franciscan Tertiary, has been named the patron for lawyers and politicians. This holy and wholly Catholic man was a husband and father in addition to…

Cost of Conscience
August 9, 2016
Cost of Conscience
An Ave Maria Meditations Encore But the souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be…

August 15, 2016
Aug 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Mary’s Assumption: A Great Sign
The woman of Revelation, clothed with the sun, is a great sign. Of the many meanings in Revelation 12, Father Angelo points out three. The first is the victory of Christ over sin…

September 18, 2016
Sep 18 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Spiritual Cleverness
Fr. Dominic contrasts the cleverness of the world with the cleverness of the spirit. The first manipulates people for money and power, the second is inspired by God for spiritual growth and evangelism.…

October 23, 2016
Oct 23 – Homily – Fr John Joseph: Presumption, Hope, Suffering
The Pharisee in today's gospel presumed on his own merit and--praying to himself--compares himself to sinners. But we must remember that we cannot justify ourselves, we are all sinners, and that from those…

November 6, 2016
Nov 06 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Hope is not Optimism
The liturgy today reflects on the Resurrection. In the first reading, a mother with 7 sons, spiritually representing the fullness of life, has her sons taken one by one as they prefer the…

A Brief Biography of the Boy Martyr: St. Jose Sanchez del Rio
November 11, 2016
A Brief Biography of the Boy Martyr: St. Jose Sanchez del Rio
Ave Maria Meditations Some of his story was told in the movie "For Greater Glory"... José Sánchez del Rio was born on 28 March 1913 Sahuayo, Michoacán, Mexico. Wanting to defend the faith…

January 15, 2017
Jan 15 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: The Witness of a Simple Life
We met John the Baptist in Advent, and meet him again at the beginning of Ordinary Time. His message is the same: Behold the Lamb of God... He is the Son of…

January 21, 2017
Jan 21 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Crazy, Excessive Love
Jesus' relatives did not understand His crazy, excessive love, and thought he was "out of his mind". He is still not understood and neither are his followers, like the martyr St. Agnes…

February 19, 2017
Feb 19 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Conquer Evil with Good
The Gospel reading today presents Jesus' teachings on loving one's enemies. This is not natural, but supernatural; not human, but divine. As such, it is the sign of the true Christian, one who…