April 11, 2008
Hit ’em Where It Hurts
The pro-creationist documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, focuses not so much on the refutation of Darwinism, but on the suppression of the academic freedom of anyone who dissents from Darwinism. This is a…
September 4, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #74: Eduardo Verastegui Pt3
Roving Reporter #74 - Eduardo gives his finale ( 09min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this third and last part Eduardo discusses how the movie Bella effected so many people, the audience, the…
September 4, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #73: Eduardo Verastegui Pt2
Roving Reporter #73 - Eduardo on his film company and the moral struggle in Hollywood ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In Part 2 of 3 Eduardo answers questions about how he had…
September 4, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #72: Eduardo Verastegui Pt1
Roving Reporter #72 - Eduardo in Connecticut ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On August 11th Eduardo Verastegui, the lead actor in the award winning pro-life movie Bella, came to the Eastern Connecticut…
March 15, 2010
FiNews – FIs Producing John Duns Scotus Film
Ave Maria! The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are producing a feature length dramatic film on the life of Blessed John Duns Scotus, the Franciscan who gave the theological explanation for the Immaculate…
May 22, 2010
FiNews – Rome Reports Covers FI Scotus Film
Rome Reports covers the soon to be released film Duns Scoto by the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Italy on the life of Bl. John Duns Scotus. He was the Franciscan theologian who…
June 17, 2010
Catholic Media Review: The Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader official trailer
Catholic Media Review: The Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader official trailer. Ave Maria! There is a special preview for Christian audiences at Catholic Media Review of the third Narnia movie.…
November 18, 2010
Vatican TV makes high-definition move with new broadcast van :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
The Vatican's new mobile high-definition broadcast van Vatican City, Nov 16, 2010 / 07:22 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican has unveiled a new tool for evangelization in the form of a van equipped…
December 28, 2010
Fi News – Our Duns Scotus Film Selected for World Youth Day Madrid
Ave Maria! Our recently completed feature length film on the life of Bl. John Duns Scotus has been selected as the official movie of the upcoming World Youth Day in Madrid Aug 16-21…
April 2, 2011
Eduardo in Cristiada Movie Trailer
Ave Maria! This looks good! Eduardo Verástegui of "Bella" plays a Mexican martyr in "Cristiada". A chronicle of the Cristeros War (1926-1929), which was touched off by a rebellion against the Mexican government's…
May 24, 2011
Yes We Won the Silver Fish Award
Ave Maria! Yes, we did win the ‘Silver Fish Award’ at the Vatican’s International Catholic Film Festival in the categories of Best Film, and Best Actor/Actress. This is for the feature length motion…
September 3, 2012
Video – Variety #215: Tackling the Hard Issues
Variety #215 - Tackling the Hard Issues ( 54 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Joseph Michael is a guest on the radio program "Tackling the Hard Issues" run by the Maronite Catholic…