March 17, 2008
Mar 17 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Holy Week Has Begun
? Homily #080317 ( 07min) Play - We can reflect as we begin Holy Week that the sins of weekness can lead us very far astray. We can fall into sin,?then justify ourselves,…

A New Way to Celebrate Holy Week
March 17, 2008
A New Way to Celebrate Holy Week
State of Affairs. Sad. Very Sad.
March 18, 2008
Mar 18 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Sacrilegious Communions
? Homily #080318 ( 13min) Play - "It was night." Judas went out into the darkness to do his deed of darkness. He did this after receiving communion sacrilegiously, the darkest deed of…
March 19, 2008
Mar 19 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Spy Wednesday
? Homily #080319 ( 06min) Play - Today, Spy Wednesday,?is the last day of Lent. Let us reflect on what Our Lord has done for us and to accompany Him and rejoice as…
March 23, 2008
Mar 22 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Easter Vigil Christ is Risen
? Homily #080322 ( 14min) Play - Darkness has been replaced with light, death with life. Christ has risen and conquered our death and sin.?Listen as Fr. Angelo relates our joy on Easter…

It Was Only a Matter of Time, Igor (Updated)
April 3, 2008
It Was Only a Matter of Time, Igor (Updated)
Welcome The Cow-Man to the stage of life. You seek for knowledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently hope that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent…

“Dead Man” Feels “Pretty Good”
April 4, 2008
“Dead Man” Feels “Pretty Good”
When dead is not really dead. We really need to think this through better. "I remember a little bit that was about an hour before the accident happened. But then about six hours…
April 6, 2008
Apr 6 – Homily – Fr Angelo: The Road to Emmaus
? Homily #080406 ( 21min) Play - Our Lady of Sorrows stood at the Foot of the Cross,?watched Her Son, who was Heaven itself, being torn from Her heart, ?and She took it…
April 7, 2008
Apr 7 – Homily – Fr Angelo: St John Baptist de la Salle
Homily #080407 ( 06min) Play - The disciples seek Jesus but not for the right reason. They wanted more physical bread whereas Jesus wanted to feed them with heavenly food that gives eternal…
April 9, 2008
Apr 9 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Unless You Eat My Body and Drink My Blood You Will Have No Life In You.
Homily #080409 ( 09min) Play - Was Our Lord speaking figuratively when He said in the sixth chapter of St John that He was the Bread of Life?. Our Protestant brethren believe so.…
April 10, 2008
Apr 10 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Christ the One Salvation
Homily #080410 ( 12min) Play - Jesus is the one way to salvation. This is the central truth of the Faith that is largely lost today and needs to be recovered in order…