Jan 24 – Homily – Fr. Alan: The Writing Apostolate – A Pathway to Sanctity

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Declared Patron Saint of Catholic Writers by Pope Pius XI in 1923, St. Francis de Sales was an exemplary practitioner of what Fr. John Hardon called the writing apostolate. By means of writing, this Bishop and Doctor of the Church was able to effect the conversion of tens of thousands of Calvinists who had no other means of receiving the Catholic truth. St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe continued the tradition of Catholic publishing by modern means, and so do the Franciscans of the Immaculate, through a variety of social communications media.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Francis de Sales - Memorial


1st: Eph 3:8-12
Resp: Ps 37:3-4,5-6,30-31
Gsp: John 15:9-17


Fr. Christopher Rengers, OFM Capp., The 33 Doctors of the Church (Rockford: TAN, 2000), 587-592.

“The Writing Apostolate of the Marian Catechists,” Father John A. Hardon, S.J., http://mariancatechist.com/writers_apostolate/hardon.html.

“The Writing Road to Sainthood: Advice From Father Hardon,” Charlotte Ostermann,  https://zenit.org/articles/the-writing-road-to-sainthood/.

