Homily #120919 (09min) Play - The good will be persecuted. As in the past and in recent times, the Catholic Church will be persecuted and its members will have to pay the price. Through the shedding of their blood souls are born into the Church and saved from eternal death.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Januarius - Opt Mem - Form: OF Readings:
1st: Hebrews 10:32-36
Am I the only one noticing the increase in ‘doom and gloom’ homilies?
~~St Luke (1:30) To Mary – full of grace
“And the angel of God said unto her: Fear not, Mary, for thou has found grace with God.”
~~St Matthew (1:20) To Joseph – a just man/ (see verse 1:19)
But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.”
~~St Luke (5:5-11) To Peter – a confessed sinner (humility)
10 “…Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men. 11 And having brought their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed him.”
The Message of Blessed Pope John Paul II ~ “Be Not Afraid”
Notice the three individuals mentioned above. Mary accents to being the Mother of Our Lord. She was knew very well what her ‘fiat’ would mean for her. She shows us courage, perseverance, trust in the Providence of God. Her mission is to co-redeem mankind with Her Son, Jesus.
Joseph, a just man, is told not to be afraid. In his obedience to the messenger of God (angel) Joseph becomes the Protector of the Holy Family! His mission was to become the Protector of Holy Mother Church. He was not afraid.
Peter, who knew a great deal about fishing, trusts Jesus’ word and sets his boats out in the worst fishing conditions. He catches so many fish the boats almost sink. Peter, as you well know, becomes the apostle God chooses to become the first Vicar of Christ on earth! That is his mission…to lead men to Christ.
Try to imagine what would have happened had Mary, Jospeh, or Peter been afraid.
Doom and gloom homilies/talks instill fear. Fear brings eventual despair. Despair is the work of Satan. He wants nothing more than to see us lose our trust in the Infinite Mercy of God, and in the maternal intercessions of Mary!!
Keep the Commandments, do your daily duties, and love God with you whole heart, and your neighbor as yourself! We all are given unique missions in this life….enjoy living yours.
Am I the only one noticing the increase in ‘doom and gloom’ homilies?
~~St Luke (1:30) To Mary – full of grace
“And the angel of God said unto her: Fear not, Mary, for thou has found grace with God.”
~~St Matthew (1:20) To Joseph – a just man/ (see verse 1:19)
But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.”
~~St Luke (5:5-11) To Peter – a confessed sinner (humility)
10 “…Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men. 11 And having brought their ships to land, leaving all things, they followed him.”
The Message of Blessed Pope John Paul II ~ “Be Not Afraid”
Notice the three individuals mentioned above. Mary accents to being the Mother of Our Lord. She was knew very well what her ‘fiat’ would mean for her. She shows us courage, perseverance, trust in the Providence of God. Her mission is to co-redeem mankind with Her Son, Jesus.
Joseph, a just man, is told not to be afraid. In his obedience to the messenger of God (angel) Joseph becomes the Protector of the Holy Family! His mission was to become the Protector of Holy Mother Church. He was not afraid.
Peter, who knew a great deal about fishing, trusts Jesus’ word and sets his boats out in the worst fishing conditions. He catches so many fish the boats almost sink. Peter, as you well know, becomes the apostle God chooses to become the first Vicar of Christ on earth! That is his mission…to lead men to Christ.
Try to imagine what would have happened had Mary, Jospeh, or Peter been afraid.
Doom and gloom homilies/talks instill fear. Fear brings eventual despair. Despair is the work of Satan. He wants nothing more than to see us lose our trust in the Infinite Mercy of God, and in the maternal intercessions of Mary!!
Keep the Commandments, do your daily duties, and love God with you whole heart, and your neighbor as yourself! We all are given unique missions in this life….enjoy living yours.
May God’s peace be with us all!