Live Symposium, Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective Day 1
September 14, 2018
Live Symposium, Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective Day 1
Ave Maria! We will make a new post for tomorrows Broadcast starting at 10am Saturday, Sept 15th Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows https://www.aveconferences.com/ima-symposium The live stream from Ave Maria University in Naples…

Symposium, Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective Day 2
September 15, 2018
Symposium, Mary in the Redemption: A Global Perspective Day 2
Ave Maria! For Day two the broadcast starts at 10:10 am Saturday, Sept 15th Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. For more information: https://www.aveconferences.com/ima-symposium The live stream from Ave Maria University in Naples Florida…

December 26, 2018
Video – Co-Redemption, Evangelizing the Youth – Joshua Mazrin – CONF 464
Ave Maria! Mr. Joshua Mazrin, Director of Evangelization, Diocese of Venice, FL gives his talk at the Coredemption Symposium at Ave Maria Univ on – “Mary in the Redemption, the New Evangelization, and…

Pope in Loreto: Mary’s House a home for youth, families, sick – Vatican News
During a brief pastoral visit to the Italian city of Loreto, Pope Francis calls the House of Mary a home for young people, families, and the sick, where all can find hope in…

July 11, 2020
In Search of Wisdom – Jul 11 – Homily – Fr Ignatius
Fr Ignatius gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jul 11, 2020, the memorial of St. Benedict, on how we need to make the search of wisdom a top priority as did…