September 4, 2008
Video – Roving Reporter #46: Australian Franciscan Tertiaries
Roving Reporter #46 - Paul and Michele Carter discuss their apostolates as Franciscan Tertiaries of the Immaculate ( 06min) >>> Play Fra Cyprian caught up with Paul and Michele Carter, Franciscan Tertiaries of…

AirMaria Breathes New Life into Podcasting
March 5, 2009
AirMaria Breathes New Life into Podcasting
Ave Maria! You may have noticed, in recent days, the following link appearing at the end of some AirMaria posts: Audio (MP3) Well, you guessed correctly, AirMaria.com is finally venturing into the Podcasting…

FiNews – Diocese of Syracuse Newspaper Features FI Radio
July 20, 2010
FiNews – Diocese of Syracuse Newspaper Features FI Radio
Ave on the Air New Catholic radio station launches in Southern Tier By Jennika Baines SUN Assoc. Editor The first radio station in the U.S. owned and operated by the Franciscan Friars of…

Congratulations to Archbishop Raymond Burke
July 29, 2010
Congratulations to Archbishop Raymond Burke
Ave Maria! Congratulations to Archbishop Raymond Burke for his appointment as a member of the Congregation of the Causes of Saints. Diane at Te Deum Laudamus and her commenters has compiled a list…

August 20, 2010
Video – Fi News #81: Live Broadcast, La Crosse, Saturday, Aug 21
Fi News #81 - Fr. Peter explains the significance of the Marian Symposium, Mary Mother of the Church ( 12min) >>> Play Ave Maria! We will be broadcasting our Marian Symposium live from…

September 3, 2010
Video – Conferences #83: La Crosse 2010 1/7, Introduction Drew Marian, Fr. Fehlner
Conferences #83 -Fr. Peter giving the Introduction ( 24min) >>> Play Ave Maria! For the introduction to our Symposium "Mother of the Church" on Marian Coredemption at the National Shrine of Our Lady…

September 15, 2010
Video – Conferences #86: La Crosse 2010 4/7, Dr. Miravalle – Now is the Time
Conferences #86 - Dr. Mark Miravalle covers all the bases on Coredemption ( 57min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Dr. Mark Miravalle gives the third talk called "Now is the Time for the Fifth…

September 22, 2010
Video – Variety #90: Alveda King on Black Genocide
Variety #90 - Alveda King on Racism and Abortion ( 40min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Alveda King of Priests for Life came to Malden, Mass on Friday, Sept 17, 2010 and gave an…

Video – Variety #91: Marcus Grodi Catholic Radio
September 27, 2010
Video – Variety #91: Marcus Grodi Catholic Radio
Variety #91 - Marcus Grodi ( 48min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Converting America to the Catholic Faith. 1060 AM The Station of the Cross - Catholic Radio Network Ave Maria! Audio (MP3) +++

September 27, 2010
Video – Variety #92: Marcus Grodi Boston
Variety #92 - Fra David and Marcus Grodi ( 06min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Marcus Grodi promotes 1060 AM The Station of the Cross - Catholic Radio Network for Boston. Ave Maria! Audio…

October 11, 2010
Video – Roving Reporter #117: Anthony Aarts
Roving Reporter #117 - Anthony Aarts ( 4 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! During the last few minutes of our weekly "Gate of Heaven Radio" program in Perth, Australia, Father Joseph interviews Anthony…

The Birthday of WPMW, Radio CorMariae, 88.5 FM, New Bedord MASS
December 17, 2010
The Birthday of WPMW, Radio CorMariae, 88.5 FM, New Bedord MASS
Ave Maria! Yesterday, 16 December 2010, was the unofficial birthday of Radio CorMariae. At around 5:30pm we jerry-rigged the newly installed antenna line, connected it up to the transmitter, and fired up the…
New Bedford-based Catholic radio station to launch March 25 | The Anchor
New Bedford-based Catholic radio station to launch March 25 | The Anchor. By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — After more than two years of planning, preparing and fund-raising,…

March 27, 2011
Video – Fi News #104: Cormariae Launch and Blessing
Fi News #104 — Blessing by Bishop Coleman ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The Franciscans of the Immaculate in New Bedford, Massachusetts have launched the first Catholic radio station in the Diocese of Fall River. Like our other station in Up-State New york…