February 6, 2008
Video – Dr Mark Miravalle – MaryCast #2: Introduction to MaryCast
Marycast #2 ( 10min) Play - In this episode Dr. Mark goes over the many topics that he will cover in this series - Her Role in Redemption, Marian apparitions, the Rosary, the…

February 26, 2008
Video – Fr. Angelo – Standing Fast #22: Marian Chivalry
Standing Fast #22 - Marian Chivalry ( 6min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this episode of Standing Fast, Fr. Angelo illustrates how the origins of Chivalry is Marian. For the nature and essence…

FiNews – Amsterdam Marian Conference – Its Live Now
May 31, 2008
FiNews – Amsterdam Marian Conference – Its Live Now
Ave Maria! Testing is continuing up till the start of the conference at 7:30am this morning but we are currently live from Amsterdam. Come watch here: VIEW LIVE! and add any of your…

July 26, 2008
FiNews – Poor Clares of the Immaculate Vocations Video
FI News #34 - Italian vocation video of the Poor Clares of the Immaculate ( 5min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Here's a video in Italian. It is a vocation video for the Clarisse…

A Week of Eucharistic and Marian Saints
August 4, 2008
A Week of Eucharistic and Marian Saints
Ave Maria Meditations A week of Eucharistic and Marian Saints August 1st: St. Alphonsus Liguori Bishop and Doctor of the Church INTRODUCTORY PRAYER (To be said before each Visit to the Most Blessed…

The Ineffable Joy of Heaven at the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of Christ Jesus
Ave Maria Meditations August 15th: The Solemnity of the The Assumption MUNIFICENTISSIMUS DEUS Pope Pius XII Excerpts from the Apostolic Constitution defining "ex cathedra" (from the chair of Peter) the dogma of the…

Our Lady’s Favorite Prayer: The Rosary
October 25, 2008
Our Lady’s Favorite Prayer: The Rosary
? Ave Maria Meditations ? PRAYERS TO THE MOTHER OF JESUS The Virgin always brings us to her Son. Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people one day when a woman cried…

St. John Damascene
December 3, 2008
St. John Damascene
Ave Maria Meditations thoughts from: A Little Treatise on Mary St. John Damascene-Feast Day December 4th Patristic Father and One of the Thirty-three Doctors of the Church: Doctor of Christian…
Insights into the Coredemption
January 3, 2009
Insights into the Coredemption
Fr. Philip Neri Powell from Domine da mihi hanc aquam! has posted a very enlightened defense of Marian coredemption. In particular I would like to make note of his replies to the objections…

May 29, 2009
Video – Rov Reprtr #64: Live Broadcast May 31
Roving Reporter #64 - Fr. Peter on the Coredemption Conference May 31 ( 3min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Marian Conference Live Broadcast Sunday May 31, 8am-5:30pm 10am to 7:30pm Eastern on AirMaria.com…