April 7, 2008
Apr 7 – Homily – Fr Angelo: St John Baptist de la Salle
Homily #080407 ( 06min) Play - The disciples seek Jesus but not for the right reason. They wanted more physical bread whereas Jesus wanted to feed them with heavenly food that gives eternal…

The Ineffable Joy of Heaven at the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of Christ Jesus
Ave Maria Meditations August 15th: The Solemnity of the The Assumption MUNIFICENTISSIMUS DEUS Pope Pius XII Excerpts from the Apostolic Constitution defining "ex cathedra" (from the chair of Peter) the dogma of the…
August 19, 2008
Aug 19 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: The Danger of Riches
Homily #080819 ( 10min) Play - Our Lord warns us that riches can be a serious obstacle to entering into eternal life. Hear Fr Ignatius explain why Christ warns us of this danger.…
October 6, 2008
Oct 06 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Who is Our Neighbor?
Homily #081006 ( 12min) Play - Twenty-seventh Monday in Ordinary Time - Fr. Angelo Geiger preaches on the Good Samaritan and the need to show charity and mercy to our fellow man in…

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
October 7, 2008
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
? Ave Maria Meditations ? Oct. 7 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary Promises to those who pray the Rosary and the History of the Feast ? "Devotion to the Blessed…

(Pontiff) Pontem Facere: To Make a Bridge
February 4, 2009
(Pontiff) Pontem Facere: To Make a Bridge
Ave Maria Mediations "But in order that you should have life, it is not enough that My Son should have become the Bridge, unless you pass over this Bridge.” God the Father to…

“I Will Draw All Men to Myself”
April 10, 2009
“I Will Draw All Men to Myself”
Ave Maria Meditations Jesus, hatred lifted You up on a cross; hut once on it You said You would lift all lovers up to Your Heart, which is Love, "And I, if I…

July: Month of the Most Precious Blood
July 3, 2009
July: Month of the Most Precious Blood
Ave Maria Meditations To the Precious Blood of Jesus: O Precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price of sinful man's redemption, both drink and laver of our souls, Thou who dost plead continually the…
July 17, 2009
Jul 17 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Baptized into Death
Homily #090717 ( 07min) Play - The immersion in water in Baptism is a symbol of our participation in the death and Resurrection of Christ. Let us live keeping in mind that we…

September 3, 2009
Video – Apostles Creed: Art 12 – Life Everlasting
Immaculate Music #27 - 12th Article of the Creed ( 03min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Continuing our series of music videos of the Apostles Creed from the Roman Catechism set to beautiful polyphonic…

Saint Gertrude the Great
November 15, 2009
Saint Gertrude the Great
Ave Maria Meditations November 16th: St. Gertrude (1256-1302) Prayer to Saint Gertrude: Model of total fidelity to the Heavenly Bridegroom and to your Cistercian Rule, the Lord was pleased to make available wonderful…

April 25, 2010
Apr 25 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Jesus the Good Shepherd
Homily #100425 ( 22min) Play - Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, the forth Sunday in Easter where the readings refer to Jesus as the Good Shepherd, specifically how he leads His sheep to…

March 1, 2011
Mar 01 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Supernatural Love
Homily #110301 ( 06min) Play - Why is persecution a gift? Ave Maria! Mass: Tuesday 8th Week of Ordinary Time - - Form: OF Readings: 1st: Sir 35:1-12 Resp: Psa 50:5-6, 7-8, 14,…

February 14, 2013
Feb 14 – Homily – Fr Elias: Eternal Life, Pro Life
Homily #130214b ( 10min) Play - Fr. Elias on the Gospel reading of today where Jesus says, "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for…