FiNews – Pope Benedict XVI: Historical First Visit to the USA
Ave Maria! The following is a video posted on YouTube in which the Holy Father talks about his visit to the United States. He should be stepping on the tarmac at 4pm today,…
April 16, 2008
Apr 16 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Their Minds will be Darkened
Homily #080416 ( 10min) Play - Sin, whether mortal or venial, darkens the intellect and weakens the will. The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, comes to our nation to bring the Light of…
April 18, 2008
Apr 18 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: “I Am THE Way”
Homily #080418 ( 07min) Play - "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Is Jesus Christ the only way to Heaven? Oprah Winfrey doesn't think so - hear what Fr. Ignatius…
April 21, 2008
Apr 21 – Homily – Fr. Bonaventure: St. Conrad of Parzham
Homily #080421 ( 07min) Play - St. Conrad of Parzham served as a porter at a Capuchin friary for 41 years at a Marian Shrine in Bavaria, strengthening the faith of the faithful…

April 22, 2008
Video – No Apologies#42 – Resurrection
No Apologies #42 - Even His enimies couldn't deny the facts! ( 07min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! Christ truly died and truly rose from the dead. This miracle is absolute…
April 23, 2008
Apr 23 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: I Am the Vine
Homily #080423 ( 11min) Play - In today's Gospel Jesus tells his disciples I am the Vine and you are the branches. He who remains in me will bear much fruit. Listen as…
April 25, 2008
Apr 25 – Homily – Fr. Bonaventure: St. Mark the Evangelist
Homily #080425 ( 10min) Play - St. Mark was St. Peter's secretary - his Gospel is a collection of the conferences St. Peter himself gave in Rome. Let us turn to St. Mark…
April 27, 2008
Apr 27 – Homily – Fr. Angelo: “I Will Be With You Always”
Homily #080427 ( 23min) Play - How do we know that a spirit who is speaking to us is a holy spirit or and unholy spirit? How is it that we discern spirits?…

April 29, 2008
Video – No Apologies #43 – Obj. to the Resurrection
No Apologies #43 -?The resurrection still stands as an absolute proof of Christ's Divinity.?( 07min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! Some say Christ never died. Some say the Apostles Hallucinated. Neither…
April 29, 2008
Apr 29 – Homily – Fr. Angelo: St. Catherine of Siena
Homily #080429 ( 12min) Play - St. Catherine of Siena lived in a very difficult time for the Church. We too live in very difficult times. Times of confusion within the Church and…