Video – Sandals & Fiddlebacks – Franciscan Traditional Latin Mass
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Ave Maria!
Fiddleback chasubles and Franciscan sandals come together in the extraordinary form of the Mass (Traditional Latin Mass) at Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The video is put to beautiful music from the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, our sister order. The music was recorded in Italy and is a fine testimony to the high quality of their music program which, combined with the friar's, is playing a major part in spearheading the liturgical music reform in Italy.
I’m speechless! This was beautiful, both from a musical standpoint to the video taken during this Mass. I have a few Gregorian Chant CD’s but they’re either all male (Benedictine Monks) or mostly male. I never heard an all-female Chant before. Thanks for sharing this.
Just beautiful. Makes me know even more what is not
available to me.
Thanks for the video.
Worship at it’s highest form…. Thank you for this beautiful video. I do hope you will make it available on God Tube and You Tube where more people can see it.
Wow, thats fantastic! Thanks!
That was amazing!
Very well done. I pray that this video will serve to promote the TLM as well as bring many vocations to the Fransiscan Friars of the Immaculate.
In Christ,
Geo. Festa
How pure. More than a blessing. I concur with the first comment, in that I have a number of Chant CDs but these nuns are from heaven.
Two things: what are they singing? and is it in Latin or Italian?
Secondly, can you make any other of their songs available?
Ave Maria,
Steve, (though I’m not a friar) the song is Italian (took me 20 seconds to realize, it is so similar) and indeed very beautiful! I am interested in the name too, and also when they video is from–is it recent but in black and white for aesthetics? (or because Franciscan poverty precludes a color camera in this case? 🙂
Ave Maria!
Yes, the music is in Italian and is from the sister’s CD titled. Magnificat, Canti Sacri (Sacred Songs) and the song is Ave, Signora Santa writen by Sr. Maria Cecilia Pia Manelli who also directs the choir and sung by the sister’s polyphonic choir “Le Dodici Stelle Dell’Immacolata” (The Twelve Stars of the Immaculate.)
The refrain, refering to Our Lady, goes:
Hail, Hail, Hail His Palace
Hail, Hail, Hail His Tabernacle
Hail, Hail, Hail His House
Hail, Hail, Hail His Vestment
Hail, Hail, Hail His Handmaid
Hail, Hail, Hail His Mother
Incorporating a prayer from St. Francis to Our Lady
And, by the way, we do plan on putting out more of these types of videos, featuring music from the friars and sisters in Italy
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!
Simply beautiful! And made even more beautiful now that I know that the lyrics of the song are those wonderful words of Holy Father Francis!
Rachel – the video is up and running on God Tube now, thanks be to God! I’m hoping it gets lots of traffic and comments!
Thank you for getting back with the information about the CD, etc.
Now, the big question… how can I purchase a copy!?
God Bless,
Ave Maria!
Hopefully we can get some from italy in a couple of weeks. I will keep you posted.
Ave Maria!
Mary S.,
Just noticed I did not address one of your questions.
The video was recorded just last Saturday, feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel on April 26th. So it was a rush job ;), part of our effort to get the videos out in a more timely manner. The feast of Our lady of Good Counsel used to be celebrated universally in the Church as a Feast but is now not even a Memorial. Too bad. But we FI’s, as a Marian order, can celebrate all Marian feasts as Feasts. This feast in particular is dear to us since our Mother House is called Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Ave Maria!
Here is a copy and paste from a comment on New Liturgical Movement which has more of the translation:
FYI – for those curious, the Sisters seem to be singing an Italian setting of St. Francis of Assisi’s “Prayer in Praise of Mary”.
Here is the Italian, followed by one of the English versions:
Ave, Signora, santa regina, santa Madre di Dio, Maria, che sei vergine fatta Chiesa ed eletta dal santissimo Padre celeste, che ti ha consacrata insieme col santissimo suo Figlio diletto e con lo Spirito Santo Paraclito; tu in cui fu ed ? ogni pienezza di grazia e ogni bene.
Ave, suo palazzo,
Ave suo tabernacolo.
Ave, sua casa.
Ave, suo vestimento, ave, sua ancella.
Ave, sua Madre.
E saluto voi tutte, sante virt?,
che per grazia e illuminazione dello Spirito Santo
venite infuse nei cuori dei fedeli,
perch? da infedeli,
fedeli a Dio li rendiate.
Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen,
Mary, Mother of God, ever Virgin.
You were chosen by the Most High Father in heaven,
consecrated by Him, with His most Holy Beloved Son
and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
On you descended and still remains all the fullness of grace and every good.
Hail, His Palace.
Hail His Tabernacle.
Hail His Robe.
Hail His Handmaid.
Hail, His Mother.
and Hail, all holy Virtues, who, by grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
are poured into the hearts of the faithful
so that from their faithless state,
they may be made faithful servants of God through you.
Mary Gibson
So wonderful! Thank you. You (I mean the FI) have SUCH GOOD TASTE. Praise God.
Do you sell the sisters’ music on Cd at all? or can one download MP3s somewhere?
Oh my goodness, that was amazing. And I generally never make it through a YouTube video. I direct a women’s schola that just starting out. If I can buy copies of the CD for all my members and make it required listening, it will inspire them.
Thank you so much for something so moving.
Hello. I listened to that so beautiful music and I love it so much. I’m a musician and would like to purchase the Cd or the scores of this song. Actually I’m more interested about the scores. How can I get that? Is there any website that sells the Cd or the scores of this song so wonderful?
Thank you!
Yes, how to get a copy of the score for this music?
Could you please tell how I can obtain a couple copies of the Sisters’ CD?
I do would be interested in the CD. Thank you.
Yep – I would agree with that.. Thanks for the line.