February 26, 2016
Video – A Day With Mary #150 – Mary the True Tabernacle
A Day With Mary #150 - ( 17min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Father Peter Cipriani of Our Lady of Assumption Parish in Fairfield, CT, speaks on Our Lady and the Eucharist during the Day…

Lessons on Love/Charity part 1
June 27, 2016
Lessons on Love/Charity part 1
Ave Maria MeditationsSaint Paul tells us which are the qualities that adorn charity. First he tells us that charity is patient with others. In order to do good we have to know how…

Lesson on Love/Charity part 2
June 29, 2016
Lesson on Love/Charity part 2
Ave Maria Meditations Charity is not arrogant or rude: many of the temptations against charity can be summarized as attitudes of pride toward our neighbor. We can only serve others and concern ourselves…

Lesson on Love/Charity final part
July 1, 2016
Lesson on Love/Charity final part
Ave Maria Meditations From Corinthian's first Corinthians 13:8 to 13 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things. All things without exception. There is much we can give: faith, joy, a…

August 15, 2016
Aug 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Mary’s Assumption: A Great Sign
The woman of Revelation, clothed with the sun, is a great sign. Of the many meanings in Revelation 12, Father Angelo points out three. The first is the victory of Christ over sin…

October 9, 2016
Oct 09 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Faith > Conversion > Gratitude
It is not gratitude that is the most important in today's Gospel, but faith which leads to conversion and then gratitude. In both the first and second reading, an outsider acts with faith,…

October 15, 2016
Oct 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Open to the Spirit, Clinging to Christ
Jesus came in the flesh, but the Holy Spirit comes invisibly and is the interior witness to the truth. This is what the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" is: to refuse the light…

November 21, 2016
Nov 21 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Mary’s Absolute Commitment to God
It is an ancient tradition that Mary presented herself at the temple as a young girl to serve and worship with the other temple virgins. This reminds us that what is most important…

December 18, 2016
Dec 18 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Great Sign of the Virginal Maternity
Saint Joseph had no reason to doubt Mary's purity, but neither could he doubt her pregnancy. But when the angel came, he was able to understand the meaning of this sign: that…

I Am With You Always
April 16, 2017
I Am With You Always
Ave Maria Meditations "And I Am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world." (Mt 28:20)

August 6th: The Transfiguration
August 6, 2019
August 6th: The Transfiguration
Ave Maria MeditationsThe Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration Scriptural Verses before the Hail Mary: Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. (Lk.9:28)…