The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
August 15, 2015
The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
One Minute Meditation You are glorious, Mother, and most worthy of praise in the City of our God and in the Church of His elect. You were assumed into heaven accompanied by angelic…

August 16, 2015
Aug 16 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Conditions For Communion
Homily #150816n ( 16min) Play - At the start of the 19th century, the conditions placed upon receiving Communion were overly rigid and almost impossible to regularly meet. This wasn't according to the…

Mary’s Simplicity
August 18, 2015
Mary’s Simplicity
Ave Maria Meditations Mary's Simplicity Three most precious fruits of the virtue of justice are simplicity, humility, and gratitude. Simplicity is the sincere love of the pure and simple truth. Humility is the…

SSPX: Accept Them as They Are?
August 20, 2015
SSPX: Accept Them as They Are?
The lightning rod of the SSPX is getting hit from various angles these days. Michael Voris thinks the Society is still schismatic, but Bishop Athanasius Schneider believes there is nothing seriously preventing the…

August 20, 2015
Aug 20 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Man of the 12th Century
Homily #150820n ( 04min) Play - St. Bernard stands out as the "man of the 12th century". Father gives us a short biography of his vocation and the effect he had in the…

August 21, 2015
Video – 11 – Mother of God – Mariology for Everyone
Mariology for Everyone #11 ( 18min) Play - In this session of Dr. Mark Miravalle’s complete Marialogical course he covers the first dogma of Mary proclaimed by the Church, Mary is the Mother…

Our Dear Mother and Queen
August 22, 2015
Our Dear Mother and Queen
Ave Maria Meditations In giving ourselves to Jesus through Mary's hands, we imitate God the Father, who gave us his only Son through Mary, and who imparts his graces to us only through…

August 23, 2015
Aug 23 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Importance of the Eucharist
Homily #150823n ( 10min) Play - The subject for the past few Sundays has been John 6, which is all about the Eucharist and how essential is it in order to have the…

August 24, 2015
Video – 12 – Theefold Virginity, Part1 – Mariology for Everyone
Mariology for Everyone #12 ( 21min) Play - The second Marian dogma to be declared by the Church is that Mary is a perpetual Virgin. This virginity is threefold before, during and after the birth…

August 24, 2015
Fall River Pro-Life Boot-camp – Variety 275
Variety #275 - ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Several interviews with the organizers of the 2015 Pro-Life Boot Camp in the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts. The video was filmed at the…

St. Louis the King: Patron of Franciscan Tertiaries
August 25, 2015
St. Louis the King: Patron of Franciscan Tertiaries
Ave Maria Meditations St. Louis, King of France (1214-1270) Feast Day is August 25th from a spiritual testament by King Saint Louis IX to his son: My dearest son, my first instruction is that…