September 15, 2014
2014 Professions – FINEWS 150
Fi News #150 - ( 18min) >>> Play On September 8th, 2014, Fr. Louis Maximilian received the first profession of vows and the renewal of temporary vows. In this homily, Father speaks of…
Fra Gabriel and Salve Regina Goes Viral
October 30, 2014
Fra Gabriel and Salve Regina Goes Viral
Ave Maria! Here is Fra Gabriel an FI friar whom many of you know. He traveled from Australia this year to Chicago to do this video with our friends at Spirit Juice. The…
Fra Gabriel Skates his way to Rome Reports: Check it out!
November 8, 2014
Fra Gabriel Skates his way to Rome Reports: Check it out!
Ave Maria! You may have caught our previous post of the video done by Spirit Juice Films with Fra Gabriel skateboarding to the Salve Regina with his own vocals. It now has over…

November 20, 2014
Video – FINEWS 151: All 160′ for the Immaculate
Fi News #151 - ( 03min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The friars from Mount Saint Francis Hermitage recently erected their new 160' radio tower for the radio station they operate out of the…

FiNews – Fr. Peter Wins Card. John J. Wright Mariological Award
Ave Maria! We wish to give our hearty congratulations to our very own Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner as we announce that he has been accorded the prestigious Cardinal John J. Wright Award of…
Pizza Maker of the Immaculate – YouTube
April 30, 2015
Pizza Maker of the Immaculate – YouTube
Ave Maria! I must confess, I don't even know which house of ours this is from, but I assume it is from one in Italy. Fr. Elias here at Bloomington gave me the…
FiNews – Tim Lock, FTI was on Life on the Rock – 2015/05/01
Ave Maria! Our very own Tim Lock was on EWTN's prime time show "Life on the Rock" with Fr. Mark and Fr. Anthony Mary on May 1st. It is now available to view…

Symposium honoring Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, F.I.
Ave Maria! Mark your calendars! June 8-9, 2015. There will be a momentous marian symposium titled "Sursum Actio" at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, honoring the lifetime work of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner,…

June 2, 2015
Video – Fr. Gabriel Maria Polo – R.I.P. – FINEWS 152
Fi News #152 - ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On May 29, 2015, Father Gabriel Maria Polo, following a heart attack, died in Consolation (Philippines). He was born September 3, 1972 in Irosin…

September 12, 2015
Video – FINEWS 153 – Professions at Mt. St. Francis Hermitage, 8th Sept 2015
Fi News #153 - ( 08min) >>> Play Ave Maria! There are definite advantages having the US Delegate as the Father Guardian of a friary--here at Mt. St. Francis Hermitage, for the first…

October 31, 2015
Video – Bell Hoisted into Griswold Bell Tower – FINEWS 154
Fi News #154 - ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On October 12, after almost 10 years of construction, the bell tower at the Marian Friary of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Griswold…

October 31, 2015
Video – Elevation of Virgin Mary Statue Atop Bell Tower – FINEWS 155
Fi News #155 - ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Friars and friends watch as the six-foot solid marble statue of the Virgin Mary is finally lifted, as if in another Assumption, forty-five…

Welcome to New AirMaria Format, Server
February 21, 2016
Welcome to New AirMaria Format, Server
Ave Maria! Welcome to our new server and new format. We are very excited about the first major update in several years. Besides a new refreshing and clean look, we have the front…