April 16, 2011
Video – Fi News #106: Stoning Tower Time Lapse
Fi News #106 - Stoning Time Lapse ( 01min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Not that exciting of a time lapse, but sort of interesting. Ave Maria! +++

Fr. Alphonsus Mary Sutton Passes Away
May 9, 2011
Fr. Alphonsus Mary Sutton Passes Away
It is with great sorrow that we announce that Fr. Alphonsus M. Sutton of our New Bedford Friary passed away at the age of 91 years early Saturday morning, May 7. From Fr.…

FiNews – FI’s ‘Duns Scotus’ Front Runner at Vatican Film Festival
Mirabile Dictu - International Catholic Film Festival - Home. Ave Maria! Yes, we are front runners for the 'Silver Fish Award' at the Vatican's International Catholic Film Festival in the categories of Best…

Yes We Won the Silver Fish Award
May 24, 2011
Yes We Won the Silver Fish Award
Ave Maria! Yes, we did win the ‘Silver Fish Award’ at the Vatican’s International Catholic Film Festival in the categories of Best Film, and Best Actor/Actress. This is for the feature length motion…

Aerial Shots Above Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary: Balloons and GOPRO in Griswold
Here are some stills from the HD footage we shot today, we hope to have the short video of this up soon.

Australian Mission News
August 14, 2011
Australian Mission News
Br. Gabriel, Br. Adam, Br. Kenneth and Br. David On 2 August, 2011, Solemnity of Our Lady Queen of the Angels, 4 young men began the journey of their religious vocation as…

FiNews – AirMaria In Madrid
August 17, 2011
FiNews – AirMaria In Madrid
Ave Maria! The AirMaria team is in Madrid and will start posting video soon - hopefully. After a long flight, with a long layover, and travel time (36 hours all told) we finally…

Live Broadcast of World Youth Day
August 17, 2011
Live Broadcast of World Youth Day
Ave Maria! If you want to watch the World Youth Day in Madrid Live click the image below: It is from Madrid11TV via CTV (Vatican TV Center) Much of the announcing is in…