December 21, 2011
Video – FI News #124: Six New Postulants Receive the Franciscan Habit
Fi News #124 - The community at Mt St Francis with Fr. Gabriele ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On December 15th, Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Seraphic Order, six young…

August 9, 2012
Aug 09 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: What does is profit a man?
Homily #120809m ( 07min) Play - Fr. Ignatius shows that today's Gospel is a remedy for the desire for all the things of the world which militate against the soul. Ave Maria! Mass:…

Fi News: Five Postulants Invested as Novices
September 19, 2012
Fi News: Five Postulants Invested as Novices
Ave Maria! On September 7th, 2012, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in Griswold, CT, five postulants were invested as novices and officially became Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate! Along with the caperone…

Fi News: Two Friars Make First Profession of Vows, and Renewal of Vows
September 20, 2012
Fi News: Two Friars Make First Profession of Vows, and Renewal of Vows
Ave Maria! On Saturday, September 8th, 2012, on the birthday of Our Blessed Mother, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in Griswold, CT, two novices: Friar John Paul Marie and Friar Alphonsus Mary,…

October 14, 2012
Video – Conferences #185: Families and the Catholic Faith
Conferences #185 - Fr. Elias on (65min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Elias gives a talk to local homeschool families here in Indiana on Friday morning, October 12th on the role of families…

Fi News: Australian Postulant Invested as Novice
December 13, 2013
Fi News: Australian Postulant Invested as Novice
Ave Maria! On December 7th, 2013, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in Griswold, CT, our postulant from Australia joined the current class of novices by officially becoming a Franciscan Friar of the…

July 31, 2014
Jul 31 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Homily #140731n ( 10min) Play - Father Mattias introduces us to St. Ignatius, his conversion, and his vocation. Father reflects that there are two different things our will can choose, to reject evil…

August 12, 2014
Aug 12 – Homily – Fr Matthias: From the Good to the Better
Homily #140812n ( 03min) Play - Father Mattias comments on the Collect prayer for St. Jane Francis de Chantal, and points out that she moved from vocations of less perfection to higher perfection,…

September 15, 2014
2014 Professions – FINEWS 150
Fi News #150 - ( 18min) >>> Play On September 8th, 2014, Fr. Louis Maximilian received the first profession of vows and the renewal of temporary vows. In this homily, Father speaks of…