I Die the King’s Good Servant but God’s First…
June 22, 2016
I Die the King’s Good Servant but God’s First…
Ave Maria Meditations Encore St. Thomas More, a Franciscan Tertiary, has been named the patron for lawyers and politicians. This holy and wholly Catholic man was a husband and father in addition to…
O Blessed Mother: Pray for the USA!
July 4, 2016
O Blessed Mother: Pray for the USA!
Ave Maria Meditations Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States of America, please help our country. Help us to return to what is decent, right, and proper. Help us…
July: Month Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Christ
July 12, 2016
July: Month Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Christ
Ave Maria Meditations LITANY OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST L: Lord, have mercy on us R: Lord, have mercy on us L: Christ, have mercy on us R: Christ, have mercy…
Reparation Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus
July 18, 2016
Reparation Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus
Ave Maria Meditations OFFERING IN REPARATION TO THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS Eternal Father, I offer Thee the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus, Thy beloved Son, my Savior and my…
Precious Blood Prayer to the Mother of God
July 23, 2016
Precious Blood Prayer to the Mother of God
Ave Maria Meditations Dear Mother of God and purest virgin, do offer to the Heavenly Father the Precious Blood and merits of Jesus Christ for all poor sinners and for the prevention of…
Saints Joachim and Anne
July 26, 2016
Saints Joachim and Anne
Ave Maria Meditations Patrons for Grandparents: Saints Joachim and Anne PRAYER TO ST. JOACHIM AND ST. ANNE: Great and glorious patriarch, St. Joachim, and good St. Anne, what joy is mine when I…
Cost of Conscience
August 9, 2016
Cost of Conscience
An Ave Maria Meditations Encore But the souls of the just are in the hand of God and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be…
August 15, 2016
Aug 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Mary’s Assumption: A Great Sign
The woman of Revelation, clothed with the sun, is a great sign. Of the many meanings in Revelation 12, Father Angelo points out three. The first is the victory of Christ over sin…
September 18, 2016
Sep 18 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Spiritual Cleverness
Fr. Dominic contrasts the cleverness of the world with the cleverness of the spirit. The first manipulates people for money and power, the second is inspired by God for spiritual growth and evangelism.…
September 25, 2016
Sep 25 – Homily – Fr John Joseph: Learn Lazarus’ Name
Solidarity, do we practice it? In the world, the rich are known, but the poor are anonymous, name-less. Fr. John Joseph remarks that in the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, the…
October 9, 2016
Oct 09 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Faith > Conversion > Gratitude
It is not gratitude that is the most important in today's Gospel, but faith which leads to conversion and then gratitude. In both the first and second reading, an outsider acts with faith,…
October 15, 2016
Oct 15 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Open to the Spirit, Clinging to Christ
Jesus came in the flesh, but the Holy Spirit comes invisibly and is the interior witness to the truth. This is what the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" is: to refuse the light…
October 16, 2016
Oct 16 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Real Prayer
Silence, solitude, and the presence of God are needed for our prayer to become real. This deep prayer is real prayer if it takes us into a deep relationship with God. Do not…
October 23, 2016
Oct 23 – Homily – Fr John Joseph: Presumption, Hope, Suffering
The Pharisee in today's gospel presumed on his own merit and--praying to himself--compares himself to sinners. But we must remember that we cannot justify ourselves, we are all sinners, and that from those…