Jul 17 – Homily – Fr Alan: Not Peace, But A Sword

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Our Lord gives us conditions of discipleship. They include accepting that He is "a sign of contradiction," and accepting that we cannot simply "go along to get along" with the order of this passing world, but that we must be willing to leave behind family if they would keep us from being faithful to Christ. St. Francis Solano understood and followed Jesus, obtaining the reward of a faithful disciple.

In reference to the commentary on the first reading, the US policy of suppression of foreign nations via population control and economic policy is outlined in the declassified National Security Study Memorandum 200, completed in December, 1974 by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger, and adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975 (cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Study_Memorandum_200).

Ironically, now the United Nations, a major proponent of population control, is pushing to repopulate the United States with migrants from some of these nations that were in 1974 listed as threats to US security (cf: http://www.speroforum.com/a/YRNEMVZIQQ9/81311-UN-document-spells-out-replacement-migration-plan-for-developed-nations and http://www.un.org/press/en/2000/20000317.dev2234.doc.html).

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Francis Solano, First Order priest & missionary, Monday 15th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy


1st: Ex 1:8-14, 22
Resp: Ps 124:1-3, 4-6, 7-8 0
Gsp: Mt 10:34-11:1
