Ave Maria Meditations
The fulfillment of the will of God in our duties of every day is the most sure guide for the Christian who has to find holiness in the midst of earthly realities. There are very different ways in which these duties may be carried out: with resignation, like somebody who has no alternative but to do them; accepting them, which involves a deeper and more thoughtful commitment; agreeably, wanting what God wants because, even though it may not be seen at this moment, the Christian knows that God is our Father and that what He wants is the best for His children; or even better, with complete abandonment, embracing the will of God at all times, without laying down any limits whatever. This last is what our Lord asks from us: to love Him without any conditions, without waiting for more favorable situations, in the ordinary things of every day and if He should so permit, in more difficult and extraordinary circumstances.
As soon as you truly abandon yourself to the Lord, you will know how to be content with whatever happens. You will not lose your peace if your undertakings do not turn out the way you hoped, even if you have put everything into them and used all the means necessary. For they will have turned out the way God wants them to.
Our Blessed Lady, who pronounced and put into practiced that “be it done unto me according to Thy word” will help us to fulfill the will of God in everything.
Fr. Francis Fernandez