Apr 10 – Homily – Fr Maximilian: Helping the Poor, Through Jesus to the Periphery
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We have to go to the center—Jesus Christ—before we can effectively “reach out to the periphery,” to help the marginalized and poor. Judas falsely claimed concern for the poor, but he was preparing to betray Jesus, the One sacrificed Himself for all of us. The lesson of today’s Gospel is apropos for our day, as a rebuttal to secular humanism and socialism: without Jesus, without His peace and charity to animate our philanthropy, our social activism will not help. If we are united in Jesus, through Him we can truly help the poor, even those who lack spiritual as well as material goods.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday Holy Week - Wkdy
1st: Is 42:1-7
Resp: Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 0
Gsp: Jn 12:1-11