Jan 22 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Do Penance and Live Your Faith

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In today's Gospel reading, Jesus continues the message of John: repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand. Father Jacinto says that repent means a change in our lives, but also means to do penance. This means to accept suffering out of love of God and sorrow for sin, and Father give us some practical advice for how to do penance in our daily lives. He emphasizes this is not just for the super-pious, but is the duty of every Christian.
Father also tells us that as Jesus willed to include the disciples in his ministry, so we to are all called to take the place God has assigned us in spreading his kingdom as "co-redeemers" and conduits of grace.
We need to testify to the gospel by our lives, not just our words, and live the mercy we have received. The world doesn't need more words, but more saints.
Finally, today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Millions of lives have been lost, we must pray -- for it is against the demonic powers we are fighting -- and pray that, by the intercession of Mary, the light of Christ may shine in our land.

Ave Maria!

Mass: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday
1st: isa 8:23-9:3
Resp: psa 27:1, 4, 13-14
2nd: 1co 1:10-13, 17
Gsp: mat 4:12-23

Audio (MP3)

