Sep 04 – Homily – Fr Dominic: St Rose of Viterbo

By September 4, 2012March 1st, 2019Fr. Dominic Murphy, Griswold, CT, Homily

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Homily #120904 ( 08min) Play- St. Rose of Viterbo died at the age of 18. She was known to be holy all her life. At the age of 3 one of her aunts died and she went up to the casket and prayed for her aunt and she was raised from the dead. At the age of 10 Our Lady appeared to her and told her to join the 3rd Order of St. Francis. Her feast is celebrated today in the Francisan Ordo.

Ave Maria!
Mass: Ordinary Form - St. Rose of Viterbo - Optional Memorial
Readings: Tuesday in the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
1st Reading: 1Corinthians 2:10-16
Responsorial Psalm: 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 13-14
Gospel: Luke 4:31-37

Audio (MP3)

