Video – Conf #171: Courage2012-5 – Andrew Comiskey, Coming Home to our True Sexuality

By September 3, 2012February 20th, 2016Conferences, Courage Emmitsburg 2012

Views 3024

Ave Maria!

Andrew Comiskey, Executive Director and Founder of Desert Stream Ministries, gives his talk at the 2012 Courage Conference at Mt. St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD. The talk is titled "Naked Surrender - Coming Home to our True Sexuality" based on his book of that title. He covers his long journey from a homosexual lifestyle to becoming a Christian and the long healing process involved in shedding the brokenness of a sin and coming to the wholeness of Christ and helping others to do the same in his ministry. He stresses that the process of healing is never finished here on earth and key to remaining fruitful both for healing oneself and others is to continually acknowledge one's own brokenness before God and men in all humility. He intersperses references to his recent conversion to the Catholic faith and how this has integrated with his overall journey. Listen to this heartfelt talk, filled with pastoral wisdom and understanding for those suffering from same sex attraction.

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


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  • Joanne Marie says:

    Thank you for your wonderful talk. Thanks be to God for His mercy. Thank God for souls like you that give us hope. I broke down and cried listening to your talk – not because I am homosexual but like you said, we are all broken and in need of Jesus. We are all wounded. I have suffered in other ways but your pain and healing sounded like mine never the less. God bless you Andrew.

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