Video – Conferences #43: De Souza: Five Offenses to the Immaculate Heart
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Ave Maria!
In 2009 Raymond De Souza of St Gabriel Communications and Human Life International, an EWTN personality and a speaker of international renown gave a talk at our Coredemption Conference. He expounds on the Five Offenses against the Immaculate Heart as listed in the Apparition of Our Lady to the children of Fatima for which she asked reparation. He relates this to the general call to participate in the sufferings of Christ, our Redeemer, and so participate in the work of salvation in a way similar to Our Lady the Coredemptrix.
This Saturday we will have a Live Broadcast of our 2010 Coredemption Conference again at La Crosse it will start at 9:45 AM and end at 6:30 PM
Ave Maria!
