Video – Fi News #80: Licensed to Beg –
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Ave Maria!
We Franciscans of the Immaculate here @ depend on the donations that come from you, please continue to support us as we are in the RED. Please visit us at where you can make an on-line donation.
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! We will give anything to keep that friar off the streets! That talent should remain hidden. Ave Maria!
Right on, brother (Friar) Dave. Taking it to the streets for Mary. What an inspiration. Very nice Cumbaya improv and I like the idea of “First Mystery of Humiliation. Thank you!
Cherie McCabe
I will make a donation if Father Elias comes and does it instead!
Ave Maria
@Father Elias,
I guess you now have to do a similar segment in Indy for the survival of AirMaria. LoL
Go Fra David! My kind of friar. Others are just jealous of what you are doing for The Immaculate!!! Ave Maria.
Thanks, Pete!
Spread the word on this video. We have gotten a large response and we need it.
Fra Roderic
Can you men wait until Queenship Day or are things SO desperate that you need the donation right away? (i.e. Is Friar David sleeping on the streets, too?)
I must say, I got a good laugh out of that one! Great job, Friar David! Ave Maria 🙂