Video – Fr Angelo – Standing Fast #28: Four Rules for a Young Knight

By August 14, 2008April 9th, 2019Family, Fr. Angelo Geiger, Standing Fast, Youth
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Ave Maria!

This was sent to us by someone who attended the last Knights of Lepanto Encampment with his son who is the main actor along with Fr. Angelo. He filmed it himself and his children edited it, pretty good for a first try. We need more Catholics doing this. Bravo!

They cover the four rules of being a knight that were discussed at the encampment. These are:

1. Morning Act of Offering

2. Daily Examination of Conscience

3. Treat your Mother with Respect

4. Treat your Sister(s) with Respect

This sounds really tough for a knight of any age, but for one so young! But, hey, no pain no gain. At least there is no "Clean your Room Every Day." Or is this included in "Treat your Mother with Respect"?

Ave Maria!

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