Video – Roving Reporter #27: Ray Noury – Fell 15,000 Feet without a Parachute – and Lived!
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Ave Maria!
Ray Noury, a World War II Army Air Corps Sergeant Veteran, recalls his amazing survival tale. After being blown out of his B-24 Bomber, Ray fell 15,000 feet with his shredded parachute. Hear him explain this unbelievable event!
Ave Maria!
What a GREAT story!! Thank you Fra Roderick and Mr. Nourie for sharing that with us. What an inspiration. Thank you also Mr. Nourie for your brave service to our nation.
The interview came out pretty well! Great Job! 🙂
Master Xavier, you have such a nice grandpa!. All my best for him. My father was a swiss soldier at WWII, he would’ve liked to hear your grandpa speaking. †PAX
I have not seen the whole video yet But I like to say My uncle S/Sgt
Roy E Hughes Died on Ray’s plane .I have been looking for Ray for many years now To say thank you .And maybe learn a little about Roy
God Bless
I told my Grandfather about your comment Robert, and he says he remembers Roy Hughes as being the top gunner in the B-24 on that infamous day.