Video – St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal

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Ave Maria!

This vignette of the apparition of Our Lady to St. Catherine Laboure on the occasion of her request for the Medal was produced by the Franciscans of the Immaculate in conjunction with Susan Mackewich of Gizmo Productions and Dave Wroe. We include this segment on the happy occasion of the start of Air Maria and on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Archangel St. Michael to Our Lady resulting in the blessed Incarnation of the Son of God.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Astrid Terrazas says:

    I loved the way this lovely vignette was done. You have done an incredible job. It made me cry, it seemed so real.

    and I have sent it to many people to view.

  • Patsy says:

    This was so beautiful. I never leave the house without my medal. I have sent this to my dearest loved ones thank you and please pray for me. God Bless

  • Mary Ann says:

    I can attest to the many blessing Our Lady grants to those who wear her medal. She has been my refuge thru many difficult times and she has never deserted me in my trials and sufferings.Our Lady takes nothing for herself but tells us to do what ever he (Jesus ) tells us and she always leads us to her divine son. I love this vignette. Thank You so much for producing this wonderful clip of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. My daughter who is sixteen always wears her Miraculous Medal and has given many to her friends. She too loved this little clip. God Bless You . TO JESUS THRU MARY

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Dear Mary Ann,

    Thanks for the testimony! We encourage all our viewers to give their testimonies about miracles of the Miraculous Medal of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

    Let the world know!

    Ave Maria!

  • Karen says:

    Beautiful mini movie. After seeing it I dug around and found a Miracle Medal that I thought was lost. I doubt I’ll take it off again. Thank you so much.

  • Irvin Kloska says:

    The following letter was submitted by ILK of Elkhart. Is this another happy coincidence or a definite confirmation?

    Is it a coincidence that the names of the two medals involved in this event, the medal of The Precious Blood and the medal of The Immaculate Conception, are historically linked to the Rome City, IN facility where Our Lady of America chose to announce Herself?

    Was this event designed to tell us that there would have been no Precious Blood without the Immaculate Conception and that they are inexorably linked by God’s design?

    On August 10, 2002 a friend brought her brother to my house for prayer. My wife and I along with our two guests were sitting at the kitchen table talking. On the table next to us was the statue of Our Lady of America that I carved out of alabaster.

    While we were talking I had the inspiration to give the man who came for prayer, a triple medal of the Precious Blood that I keep on hand. This medal, taped to a small card, was touched to a page of the prayer book that Our Lady kissed at Garabandal, Spain. I also had on cotton in a pix like container, some tears of the Blessed Mother that appeared on a statue.

    I slipped the medal out from under the tape and first touched one side of it to the tears and then turned it over and touched the other side to the tears. When I picked it up from inside this little container there was a Miraculous Medal (medal of the Immaculate Conception) attached to the triple medal at the little ring. The Miraculous Medal simply appeared out of nowhere.

    I put one medal in and two medals came out. Was this another sign that Our Lady wants to be honored at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception?

  • Kim says:

    I was not born into the Catholic faith..but when I was around 7-8 years old, playing in a small patch of woods next to my Grandmothers house, I found a beautiful Miraculous Medal. I wasn’t actually sure what I found, but I knew that it was a great Treasure. I told no one about my find, I kept it as my secret Treasure, in a small Jewelry box. After a while, through the years I never paid much attention to it. After I was married to my husband, a catholic, in the Cathoic church, I long forgot that I made a promise to raise our chilren in the Faith. When my children were 4-5 years old, and through the stresses of married life with children..I began to pray for a Church that we could all go to as a family. I kept “hearing” Star of the Sea..which was the Catholic Church I was married in. I couldn’t believe my ears. I couldn’t believe I was being called to the church that I believed I was not “good enough” to belong to. In my eyes Catholic families were very devout and “perfect”. I had great respect for Catholics, I was graced as a child to have every one of my best friends be Catholic. If I slept over one of their houses on the weekend, we all went to mass on Sunday, something we didn’t do in my house, my parents were Methodists but even still, we never attended church on Sundays. When I heard myself being called to the Catholic Faith that day, I didn’t believe…but a voice told me to go look in my Jewelry box as proof. I went upstairs..I didn’t even know what I was looking for while I was rumaging around the box, but there She was, the Medal I found as a child, still there after all these years, many jewelry boxes later and not even recalling having made any effort to save Her. I got down on my knees and Blessed Mother had watched over me throughout my entire growing up, leading me to her son, in the Catholic Faith, orchestrating every moment until this one. I called the Star of the Sea church, after I finished crying and praying and thanking our Blessed Mother, and told Father I wanted to become Catholic. I went through the RCIA program and that First Easter, recieving our Lord for the First Time was the most Happiest, Joyous moment of my entire life. I can’t even begin to tell you what that day meant to me or how I felt! Thank you Blessed Mother..I love you so very much…for never giving up on us no matter how long it takes to answer your call!
    Trust in our Blessed Mother
    I wear my Medal every day and always someone tells me how beautiful it is! I can never resist sharing my story to those who will listen!

  • kentuckyliz says:

    I love the miraculous medal. I used to just wear a very small one next to a larger crucifix, because I live in an area where there are not many Christians who know, understand, or love Mary and there is a very anti-Catholic streak. But I guess I’ve been graced with more holy boldness and I bought large medals to wear every day. No one has said anything to me, but if they do, I am ready to respond with love.

    Some folks place blessed Miraculous Medals in places that need the presence of the Immaculata: places associated with sin, government buildings, and at events taking place which oppose Christianity and its teachings: like pro-abort rallies, gay pride parades, etc. They have witnessed amazing things–like these events being disrupted and cancelled because of human or natural forces.

    Perhaps Kim’s testimony should have us sprinkling the world with blessed Miraculous Medals! That was a beautiful conversion story.

    The video is beautiful too!

  • KyCatholic says:

    I love this video and I like your site here. I posted about your site on my
    blog – A Catholic Ipod – and your on my sidebar links. God Bless.

  • Barry Richards says:

    WONDERFUL!!!!. I do wish it was longer…. I just love it….thank you