Video – FiNews #8: Announcing Air Maria Official Start

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Ave Maria!

On this Feast of Our Lady and after being operational for four months or so, Fr. Angelo Geiger gives the surprise announcement of our grand opening! That's right, up to now we have not been offically open. It has all been for practice. He mentions the many new shows, our new three column web format that includes a new menu system in the left column. The dedication of the site to St. Clare, Patroness of TV and in honor of Patrick Wroe, son of David Wroe who's help has been indispensable for Air Maria. He thanks all the many people who have supported Air Maria in so many ways.

Have a blessed Feast of the Annunciation! Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 12 Comments

  • I’ve been subscribing to airmaria and the comments with bloglines. I love what you’re doing here!!

    I’m also looking forward to finding out what’s going to be happening with Mary Vitamin and Airmaria.

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Dear Helen,

    We plan on putting the first video version of your Mary Vitamin on some time this week. The first six have had the audio recorded, just need to do the flash slide show. We are definitely looking forward to that!

    Ave Maria!

  • Mark says:

    Major Congrats on the official launch. Got to meet a few of the crew at the Boston men’s Catholic conf. Very impressed with their level of technical expertise. Well Done!!!

    God Bless

    p.s. subscribed via bloglines and will add a link form my site. Every (very very)little bit helps. 😉

  • Robin and Roy says:

    Ave Maria!

    Much congratulations on the official release! May this tool of the Immaculate increase our love for Her and thereby lead us closer to Her Son!

    On a more practical note, we are personally looking forward to using this site as a regular homeschooling tool as well!

    It will be so nice to welcome the FI’s into our home on a daily basis and hear from friars at other locations besides here in CT!!

    Ave Maria!
    We wish this website much success through the intervention of Our Lady and under the patronage of St Clare!

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!


    Thanks for the link. Yes, every little bit helps. Links are most welcome. It was good meeting you at the Men’s Conference. I will definitely come to you for tech advice. You are in our prayers.

    Fra Roderic Mary

    Ave Maria!

  • Sue says:

    Ave Maria!

    Congratulations on the launch of your wonderful new network. We look forward to each new post with hungry anticipation. We pray that Our Lady and Our Savior, Her precious Fiat, will multiply your audience into the billions.

    Viva Air Maria!
    Sue and Brian

  • Marc says:

    Ave Maria!

    Yay, now there is more than just EWTN with cool shows. And I do think that this network will take off and do nothing but grow. Soon there will be millions and millions watching you friars (no pressure). ^.^

  • David says:

    Is there a possibility that Air Maria (the TV channel) could be in the works down the road?

  • Father Angelo says:

    Hmmm. Insightful question. Our plans have been exposed.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Great work oh soldier in grayof the Immaculata!
    What a gift for holy week 2007.

  • Marcel Dingli- Malta EU says:

    Great to have this site too. Evil is moving fast all around and it is a relief that the persecution is being combatted.

    May the Holy Mary be with us especially at the time of our death.

  • Lori M. Mock says:

    This is the best website ever. I went to the library to check it out. When I went to the library I intentended to check out the library and see what books they had. I ended up getting hooked. I couldn’t leave the computer. I love it. Keep up the good work. I want to tell more people about your website. This website is one of the few ways in this world where people will get to hear things the way they really are.