Divine Mercy Novena
April 9, 2009
Divine Mercy Novena
Ave Maria Meditations DIVINE MERCY NOVENA begins on Good Friday The Divine Mercy Novena Divine Mercy Devotionals at EWTN Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena…

St. John Vianney: Patron of ALL Priests
August 4, 2009
St. John Vianney: Patron of ALL Priests
In this Year of the Priest it is a special pleasure to consider the Patron Saint of ALL Priests, St. John Vianney. He had been the Patron of Parish Priests but our Holy…

The Glories of Mary #8: Mary Is The Hope of All
November 7, 2009
The Glories of Mary #8: Mary Is The Hope of All
Mary, our Hope. STORY St Gregory relates that there was a young woman named Musa, who was very devout to the Mother of God; to whom, when she was in great danger of…

The Glories of Mary #9: Mary, Our Hope
November 10, 2009
The Glories of Mary #9: Mary, Our Hope
Mary is the Hope of Sinners STORY St Antonine relates that there was a sinner who was at enmity with God, and who had a vision in which he found himself before the…

August 4, 2011
Aug 04 – Homily – Fr Angelo: The Mystery of the Cross
Homily #110804 ( 09min) Play - This is where the rubber hits the road - we need to carry our Cross - this is what St. John Vianney did - he suffered for…

March 11, 2012
Mar 10 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: He Came for Sinners
Homily #120310 ( 05min) Play - God does not abandon man even when man finds himself in deep sin. Ave Maria! Mass: Saturday 2nd Week of Lent - Wkdy - Form: OF Readings: 1st:…

February 14, 2013
Feb 14 – Homily – Fr George: The Faith of the Centurion
Homily #130214 ( 11min) Play - Fr. George preaches on the faith of the Centurion and warns us how easy it is to sin against faith and lose it altogether. If you reject one teaching of…

July 30, 2013
Jul 30 – Homily – Fr Benedict: Copy-and-Paste Saints
Homily #130730 ( 10min) Play - Fr. Benedict reflects over the readings from last Sunday and warns us of the desire to be seen as holy rather than to be holy. Humility must be…

November 23, 2013
Video – Marian Symposium ’13 P2: Mangan – CONF 236
Conferences #236 - ( 39min) >>> Play Ave Maria! For the second talk for our 2013 Marian Symposium at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in La Crosse, WI, Msgr. Charles M. Mangan, director of the Office of the Marian Apostolate in…

March 8, 2014
Mar 08 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Jesus Divine Physician
Homily #140308b ( 03min) Play - Fr. Joachim on how Jesus gave a defense of eating with tax collectors and sinners by pointing out that the righteous are not the ones that need…

July 2, 2014
Jul 02 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Swine Or God?
Homily #140702n ( 06min) Play - Fr. Maximilian reflects on today's Gospel reading and shows that the Gadarenes preferred their swine business, which was contrary to the Law, to the presence of Jesus…

October 23, 2016
Oct 23 – Homily – Fr John Joseph: Presumption, Hope, Suffering
The Pharisee in today's gospel presumed on his own merit and--praying to himself--compares himself to sinners. But we must remember that we cannot justify ourselves, we are all sinners, and that from those…

November 8, 2016
Video – Fr. Luedtke – 8 Day Retreat – 21/25 – The Resurrection and Apparitions of Christ – CONF 353
Ave Maria! Fr. Ben Luedtke gives the twenty-first of twenty-five conferences for his Eight Day Ignatian Retreat. The subjects he covers are: The Resurrection and apparitions of Christ to his disciples, persons, words, actions involved, divinity…