January 31, 2014
Jan 31 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Stoke the Fire of Grace
Homily #140131n ( 07min) Play - Fr. Maximilian preaches over the need to cooperate with the workings of Grace in us, comparing it to stoking a fire. He presents us with today's saint,…
July 7, 2014
Jul 07 – Homily – Fr Elias: Sanctifying Sacramentals
Homily #140707b ( 12min) Play - Fr. Elias starts with the story of the woman who is cured merely by touching the tassel of Jesus' cloak to explain why the Church embraces the use…
May 17, 2015
May 17 – Homily – Fr Alan: Ascend with Christ
Homily #150517b ( 14min) Play - Fr. Alan exhorts us to grow closer to Christ, rising to new heights of holiness with His grace, in order to be with our Ascended Lord in heaven for…
June 14, 2015
Jun 14 – Homily – Fr Joseph M.: Growing in Faith
Homily #150614b ( 07min) Play - Fr. Joseph McShane on how our faith must grow as Our Lord describes in the parable of the mustard seed. This process of sanctification takes time, where we…
September 26, 2016
Sep 26 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Cosmas & Damian, Sanctifying Daily Life
Saints Cosmas and Damian excelled not only in their virtues but in their skill as physicians. We are reminded by them that our daily lives, especially our work lives, must be integrated into…
August 4, 2017
Aug 04 – Homily: Pray for Holy Priests and Vocations
St. John Vianney set a very high standard for priestly holiness. His effectiveness in sanctifying the flock entrusted to him makes him a worthy model for priests, though few ever reach such…