February 6, 2020
Don’t Waste My Time! – #2/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 531
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim gives the second talk of five at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" and how time is very important and should be used wisely to win the…
February 8, 2020
Avoiding Anger – #3/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 532
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim gives the third talk of five at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" and the need to avoid anger to win the spiritual fight. He explains how…
February 9, 2020
Penance & Reparation – #4/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 533
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim Mudd gives the fourth talk of five at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" on how penance and reparation are such important weapons in the spiritual fight.…
February 10, 2020
Mary: Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate – #5/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 534
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim Mudd gives the fifth and last talk at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" and how Mary as Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate is needed to win the…
December 9, 2020
1 Global Vision of Cosmic Battle: MIM Retreat 2020 1/5
Ave Maria! Fr. Josemaria gives the first talk of five at the 2020 MIM Annual Retreat called "Two Crowns, One Life". In this talk Fr. Josemaria discusses how in giving us his Mother,…
December 11, 2020
2 “Fixed Idea” in a Disoriented World: MIM Retreat 2020 – CONF 541
Ave Maria! Fr. Josemaria gives the Second talk of five at the 2020 MIM Annual Retreat called "Two Crowns, One Life". In this talk Fr. Josemaria discusses how Mary is the Fixed idea…
December 22, 2020
3 “Fool of Love” in a Culture of Contempt: MIM Retreat 2020 – CONF 542
Ave Maria! Fr. Josemaria gives the third talk of five at the 2020 MIM Annual Retreat called "Two Crowns, One Life". In this talk Fr. Josemaria discusses how taking the Immaculate "into our…
December 23, 2020
4 “Feverish Action” Against Secularism: MIM Retreat 2020 – CONF 543
Ave Maria! Fr. Josemaria gives the Fourth talk of five at the 2020 MIM Annual Retreat called "Two Crowns, One Life". In this talk Fr. Josemaria discusses how to live and work for…
December 24, 2020
5 The Little Way of Fatima: MIM Retreat 2020 – CONF 544
Ave Maria! Fr. Josemaria gives the last talk of five at the 2020 MIM Annual Retreat called "Two Crowns, One Life". In this talk Fr. Josemaria discusses how the Church Triumphant communicates to…
June 21, 2021
#1 Humility – The Virtues of Mary – Retreat
Ave Maria! Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia on Mary's humility and how this is the foundation of all her other virtues and how this relates to our own journey to the virtuous life. This is…
June 29, 2021
#2 Charity – The Virtues of Mary – Retreat
Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia on Mary's Charity, the many examples of this charity, and how her example can make our lives more charitable toward God and neighbor. This is the second of five…
June 30, 2021
#3 Faith – The Virtues of Mary – Retreat
Ave Maria! Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia on Mary's virtue of faith, what faith is, its relation to authority and trust and how mary practiced it to such a great degree, setting an example and…
July 1, 2021
#4 Hope & Chastity – The Virtues of Mary – Retreat
Ave Maria! Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia on Mary's virtues of hope and chastity, what these virtues are, and how this relates to our own journey to the virtuous life. This is the fourth of…