Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament / Our Lady of Fatima
Ave Maria Meditations MAY 13TH: OUR LADY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT/ OUR LADY OF FATIMA OUR LADY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT This title was given to our Blessed Mother in May 1868 by…

Our Lady Co-redemptrix
May 31, 2008
Our Lady Co-redemptrix
Ave Maria Meditations Our Lady Co-redemptrix Mary, Coredemptrix You are blessed among women, co?redemptrix! Blessed One selected in pref?erence to all who are blessed! Chosen One, singular among all who are chosen! Priceless…

St. Pio of Pietrelcina
September 22, 2008
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Ave Maria Meditations September 23rd: St. Pio of Pietrelcina Stay with me, Lord Prayer of St. Pio of Pietrelcina after Holy Communion Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You…

The Source of My Vocation by Pope John Paul II
February 18, 2009
The Source of My Vocation by Pope John Paul II
Ave Maria Meditations I set off in search of the source of my vocation. It is beating there … in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. I thank God that during the Great Jubilee…
Mane Nobiscum Domine
April 16, 2009
Mane Nobiscum Domine
Ave Maria Meditations With each passing year the unfolding of the Resurrection Gospel of Emmaus becomes more luminous, more transparent like the favorite page in an old book, the page that with each…

Mother of the Eucharist
May 13, 2009
Mother of the Eucharist
Ave Maria Meditations AT THE SCHOOL OF MARY, “WOMAN OF THE EUCHARIST” In addition to her sharing in the Eucharistic banquet , an indirect picture of Mary’s relationship with the Eucharist can be…
Pope John Paul writes to Priests
June 24, 2009
Pope John Paul writes to Priests
Ave Maria Meditations In his 1986 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests, Pope John Paul II wrote: The Mass was for John Mary Vianney the great joy and comfort of his priestly life. He…