December 17, 2006
Video – Fr. Angelo – Homily #2 – Gaudete Sunday
Homily Video #2 - Fr. Angelo preaches the Mass on Gaudete Sunday >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Angelo preaches to a packed chapel on Gaudete Sunday. Many FI 3rd Order members were present…

Video – Fi News #1 – Setting-up the Creche
December 26, 2006
Video – Fi News #1 – Setting-up the Creche
FI News #1 - Time-lapse of setting-up the creche >>> Play Ave Maria! The keystone friars set-up the creche at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in this time-lapse video set to "O Little…

Video – FiNews #2: Silent Night at Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary
December 28, 2006
Video – FiNews #2: Silent Night at Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary
Silent Night Christmas Carol >>> Play Ave Maria! Silent Night Christmas carol is sung by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate with animated slide show of Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary and Chapel…

Cause of Our Joy! The Nativity of Mary
September 7, 2008
Cause of Our Joy! The Nativity of Mary
Ave Maria Mediations September 8th: Nativity of Mary, the CAUSE OF OUR JOY Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora pro nobis CAUSE OF OUR JOY (1) MARY, we greet you as the Cause of our…

Gloria in excelsis Deo!
December 25, 2008
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Ave Maria Meditations "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will." (Lk. 2:14) MEDITATION At Bethlehem the angels announced two things: Glory to God and peace…

Faith, Love, Adoration, Reverence and Purity
December 29, 2008
Faith, Love, Adoration, Reverence and Purity
Ave Maria Meditations Thoughts from Blessed Columba Marmion The contemplation of the mysteries of Jesus will only produce such great fruit in us as we bring thereto certain dispositions which…

Meditation on the Eve of the Nativity of Mary
September 7, 2009
Meditation on the Eve of the Nativity of Mary
Ave Maria Meditations PRESENCE OF GOD: O Mary, my Mother, teach me to live hidden with you in the shadow of God. MEDITATION: The liturgy enthusiastically celebrates Mary's Nativity and makes it one…
October 4, 2009
Oct 04 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Feast of the Poverello
Homily #091004 ( 23min) Play - Today is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi (New Advent), the Poverello, who is the founder of the Franciscan Orders and so his feast supersedes Sunday's…

The Tradition of the Christmas Crib
December 9, 2009
The Tradition of the Christmas Crib
One Minute Meditation The Tradition of the Christmas Crib Following a beautiful and firmly-rooted tradition, many families set up their crib immediately after the feast of the Immaculate Conception, as if to relive…

December 22, 2009
Video – Our Lady and Christmas – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts65
MaryCast Specials #65 ( 10min) Play - Dr. Miravalle goes through scripture leading to the Nativity of Christ and how important a role Mary played and what this means in regard to preparing…

December 24, 2009
Dec 24 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Arrival in Bethlehem
Homily #091224 ( 04min) Play - On the Vigil of Christmas (Christmas Eve) Father gives the account of the arrival of the Holy Family in Bethlehem. He notes how they are poor, chaste,…

“To all who received Him … He gave power to become children of God”
December 25, 2009
“To all who received Him … He gave power to become children of God”
One Minute Meditation It is only the Child lying in the manger who possesses the true secret of life. For this reason he asks us to welcome him, to make room for him…

September 9, 2010
Video – Fi News #84: 1st Vows – Our Lady’s Gift
Fi News #84 - Newly Professed ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Three young men--Friar Isaac Joseph Mary, Friar Joseph Paul Mary, and Friar Gabriel Marc Mary-- make their first vows, giving…

December 25, 2010
Dec 25 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Humble Mysterious Coming of God
Homily #101225s ( 18min) Play - On this day when we celebrate the birth of our dear Savior, Fr. Dominic preaches the Gospel message of the coming of Christ that is so well…