April 3, 2008
Apr 3 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Chastity is a Virtue
Homily #080403 ( 08min) Play - We must strive always for the virtue of chastity in order to bring charity into our world. Our culture today portrays chastity as a vice and…

July 22nd: The Magnificent Magdalene
July 21, 2008
July 22nd: The Magnificent Magdalene
I have found Him whom my heart loves... from the Song of Songs Said Judas to Mary, "Now what will you do With your ointment so rich and so rare?" "I'll pour it…

August 2nd: Portiuncula Indulgence
August 1, 2008
August 2nd: Portiuncula Indulgence
Mary, Queen of Angels Ave Maria Meditations August 2nd: Portiuncula Indulgence What is Portiuncula? The following is an excerpt from Major Life of St. Francis by St. Bonaventure. " The Portiuncula was an…

Thoughts on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
August 30, 2008
Thoughts on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
? Ave Maria Meditations ? ? Some thoughts on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: ? The Holy Mass as renewal of the Covenant. ? 'Behold, the days are coming?, says the Lord,…

Cause of Our Joy! The Nativity of Mary
September 7, 2008
Cause of Our Joy! The Nativity of Mary
Ave Maria Mediations September 8th: Nativity of Mary, the CAUSE OF OUR JOY Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora pro nobis CAUSE OF OUR JOY (1) MARY, we greet you as the Cause of our…
October 28, 2008
Oct 28 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Ss. Simon and Jude
Homily #081028 ( 07min) Play - On this Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Father preaches on the fact that the Apostles were not chosen because they were particularly special. However, Our Lord…

That Wondrous Miraculous Medal
November 24, 2008
That Wondrous Miraculous Medal
Ave Maria Meditations In this time of somewhat gloomy thoughts, let us recall the words of St. Paul: Whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is…

I Am The Immaculate Conception
December 7, 2008
I Am The Immaculate Conception
Ave Maria Meditations "I am the Immaculate Conception" : words of Our Lady to St. Bernadette on March 25, 1858. Ineffabilis Deus: Apostolic Constitution issued by Bl. Pope Pius…

Mary in the Thought of God Eternal
December 18, 2008
Mary in the Thought of God Eternal
An Ave Maria Advent Mediation God's wisdom and a God's love can choose out of a God's possibilities, how his created home shall be. Who then shall dream, until…

The Christ Child: The Grace of Christmas
December 24, 2008
The Christ Child: The Grace of Christmas
Ave Maria Meditations The Grace of Christmas Jesus speaks: I was born, born for you in a cave in December, in the cold, homeless, in the middle of a winter's night, in the…
January 15, 2009
Jan 15 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Harden not Your Hearts
Homily #090115 ( 06min) Play - "Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your hearts as in the day of rebellion." Fr. Ignatius explains this passage from the first reading (Heb 3:7)…
May 18, 2009
May 18 – Homily – Fr Angelo: St Felix and Humility
Homily #090518 ( 10min) Play - Fr. Angelo preaches on the life of St. Filix a 16th Century Capuchin who was known for his humility. Father explains how this is connected to the…
May 19, 2009
May 19 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Gift of the Holy Spirit
Homily #090519 ( 08min) Play - Jesus tells his grieving Apostles that it is good that He must go because He can then give us the Holy Spirit and in turn He will…

Because He first loved us…
July 6, 2009
Because He first loved us…
Let us love, then, because he first loved us. (1Jn4:19) + In your mercy, Lord, you called me, Taught my sinful heart and mind, Else this world had still enthralled me, And to…