Divine Mercy Novena
April 9, 2009
Divine Mercy Novena
Ave Maria Meditations DIVINE MERCY NOVENA begins on Good Friday The Divine Mercy Novena Divine Mercy Devotionals at EWTN Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena…
April 10, 2009
Apr 10 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Great Friday
Homily #090410 ( 08min) Play - Today is Good Friday the greatest day ever because it is the day that Christ won our salvation through such great suffering that flowed from his great…

April 18, 2009
Ave Maria Meditations "BE MERCIFUL EVEN AS YOUR FATHER IS MERCIFUL" (Lk 6:36) The Feast of the Divine Mercy is the Sunday after Easter "Jesus Christ taught that man not only receives and…

The Friday that is called Good
April 2, 2010
The Friday that is called Good
Ave Maria Meditations "His Blood Be on Us!" Jesus, Man of Sorrows, the crime of the Jews reminds me of my own sinning. I heard Your Father say to me, "This is My…

April 6, 2012
Apr 06 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: God Submits to Death
Homily #120406 ( 17min) Play - Fr. Bonaventure preaches at the Good Friday communion service on how unbelievable the Gospel message is today, that God could submit himself to death. But thanks be to God…

March 22, 2013
Video – Variety #228: What happens on Good Friday?
Variety #228 - The First Station ( 01min) >>> Play Ave Maria! PRACTICE TEST: Canon 5D, After Effects, Slow Motion, Snow Flakes Ave Maria! +++

March 25, 2013
Mar 25 – Homily – Fr Elias: The Annunciation and Good Friday
Homily #130325b ( 14min) Play - Fr. Elias gives he homily on Monday in Holy Week which this year falls on the 25th of March, the Annunciation (which will be celebrated after Easter). He…

No Greater Love
April 18, 2014
No Greater Love
Ave Maria Meditations Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (Jn. 15:13) I dare say that God in His omnipotence could not give…

April 18, 2014
Apr 18 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Enter Into His Passion
Homily #140418 ( 07min) Play - We are all a part of the cause of suffering and crucifixion of Jesus. Let us enter more deeply into His Passion, imitating His charity and with…

April 18, 2014
Apr 18 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Sharing in the Passion
Homily #140418n ( 12min) Play Father Matthias shows us that Jesus truly reigned from the Cross. Far from defeat, it is the crowning moment of Truth and Love which does not rule with…

August 6, 2014
Aug 06 – Homily – Fr Elias: Manifest Transfiguration
Homily #140806b ( 12min) Play - On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Fr. Elias preaches on its history and meaning and its relation to the feast of the Exultation of the…