The Ineffable Joy of Heaven at the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of Christ Jesus
Ave Maria Meditations August 15th: The Solemnity of the The Assumption MUNIFICENTISSIMUS DEUS Pope Pius XII Excerpts from the Apostolic Constitution defining "ex cathedra" (from the chair of Peter) the dogma of the…
August 16, 2008
Aug 15 – Special Homily – Fr Angelo: Assumption Evening Mass
Homily #080815s ( 24min) Play - On the evening Mass for the Assumption of Our Lady, Fr. Angelo Geiger points out the fact that the feast of that great Marian Saint, Maximilian Kolbe,…

November 22, 2008
Ave Maria Mediations VIVA CRISTO REY! November 23: Blessed Miguel Pro "I am ready to give my life for souls, but I want nothing for myself. All that I want is to lead…

December 13, 2008
Video – The Assumption – Dr Miravalle: MCast 40
Marycast #40 ( 08min) Play - The more you know Mary, the more you'll understand your dignity as a Christian, and in this episode Dr. Miravalle explores the dogma of Mary's Assumption, body…
Insights into the Coredemption
January 3, 2009
Insights into the Coredemption
Fr. Philip Neri Powell from Domine da mihi hanc aquam! has posted a very enlightened defense of Marian coredemption. In particular I would like to make note of his replies to the objections…

January 7, 2009
Video – The Assumption in Scripture – Dr Miravalle: MCast 41
Marycast #41 ( 09min) Play - In 1948, Pope Pius XII put out a letter to the 1,232 bishops in the world at that time, asking them if they believed that the doctrine…

January 11, 2009
Video – The Assumption in Tradition – Dr Miravalle: MCast 42
Marycast #42 ( 10min) Play - How did the truth of Mary's assumption grow in Church Tradition and Church liturgy over time? St. Gregory of Tours was the first to given a written…

Come then, my Beloved, my Lovely One, Come.
August 15, 2009
Come then, my Beloved, my Lovely One, Come.
My love lifts up his voice, he says to me, 'Come then, my beloved, my lovely one, come'. (Song of Songs 2:10) Ave Maria Meditations Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin…

September 7, 2009
Video – FiNews #55 – Feast of the Assumption at Bloomington, IN
FI News #55 - Marian Devotions on the Assumption at Bloomington ( 06min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On the feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15th, the friars and folks at Bloomington,…

August 16, 2010
Aug 15 – Homily – Fr Tito: Age of Progress or Age of Victims
Homily #100815t ( 07min) Play - Twentieth century age of progress or age of victims? St. Maximilian Kolbe's martyrdom was a light in the darkness of the twentieth century. In the assumption of…

August 6, 2011
Video – Variety #143: Assumption Novena, Day 1
Variety #143 - Assumption Novena ( 7min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Please join Fr. Peter in a Novena in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each day, from the 6th…

August 7, 2011
Video – Variety #144: Assumption Novena, Day 2
Variety #144 - Assumption Novena ( 07min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Please join Fr. Peter in a Novena in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each day, from the 6th…