Mary, The Ark of the New Covenant
May 2, 2017
Mary, The Ark of the New Covenant
Ave Maria Meditations Of all the Marian symbols in the Old Testament, certainly the Ark of the Covenant enjoys preeminence. One of the readings used in the revised liturgy of Vatican II for…

December 18, 2018
Luke & Matthew in Advent – Dec 18 – Homily – Fr Terrance
Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Dec 18 on how St Matthew and St Luke give a different focus on the Advent events. Luke shows the more serene welcoming…

November 6, 2019
#4 – Mary, Ark of the New Covenant – Mr. de Souza – Coredemptrix: Why the Dogma? – CONF 509
Ave Maria! Mr. Raymond de Souza, Marian Apologist, gives the 4th talk on Mary, The Ark of the Covenant, at our Symposium "Mary Coredemptrix: Why the Dogma?" where he explains how Mary as…