The Fall 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Prayer campaign: September 26th-November 4th
September 25, 2012
The Fall 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Prayer campaign: September 26th-November 4th
Ave Maria Meditations Please consider being a part by prayer and/or presence in your nearest 40 Days for Life campaign: to find the location nearest you, see http://www.40daysforlife.com/location.cfm What 40 Days for Life…

September 27, 2012
Video – Variety #218: Bishop Michael Richard Cote 40 Days For Life
Variety #218 - Opening Mass 40 Days for Life ( 12min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Truth and Freedom have been pitted against one another in our society. But here is hope. Ave Maria!…

40 Days for Life: 40 Days of Lent
February 12, 2013
40 Days for Life: 40 Days of Lent
Ave Maria Meditations For information on your nearest 40 Days for Life prayer campaign please see www.40daysforlife.com Forty Days of New Life: This article covers why Lent has forty days, the meaning of…

40 Days for Life (September 25th-November 3rd)
September 25, 2013
40 Days for Life (September 25th-November 3rd)
Ave Maria Meditations Heavenly Father, thank You for this opportunity to join my prayers, fasting, and community outreach with those throughout our country for the end of legalized abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem…

March 1, 2014
Video – A Day With Mary #106: Fr Andre speaks on the Eucharist and the 40 Days For Life
A Day With Mary #106 - Fr Andre speaks on the Eucharist and the 40 Days For Life ( 11 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Andre speaks on the Eucharist and the…

40 Days for Life
March 5, 2014
40 Days for Life
As we begin this holy season of Lent, all round the world, there are 40 Days for Life efforts also beginning. Over the past few years, more than 8,000 babies have been saved…

Lenten 40 Days for Life begins
February 17, 2015
Lenten 40 Days for Life begins
Ave Maria Meditations To find the nearest 40 Days for Life campaign go to www.40daysforlife.com to check for locations. Through the efforts of many prayer campaigns throughout the world, about 10,000 babies' lives have…

March 7, 2015
Video – 40 Days for Life, Bloomington – Variety 262
Variety #262 - ( 05min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Monica Siefker gives a quick overview of Forty Days For Life prayer vigil in Bloomington, Indiana, including their schedule, the sacrifices being made (mostly enduring…

September 27, 2017
Sep 27 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: St. Vincent of the Poor
Fatima 100th Oct 7 Celebration Event: http://livingfatima.com/october7/ Fr. Ignatius on the life and times of St. Vincent de Paul and the importance of loving both God and neighbor. He relates this to the…

40 Days for Life Starts on Ash Wednesday
February 25, 2020
40 Days for Life Starts on Ash Wednesday
Through the 40 Days for Life prayer campaigns these things have happened: 16,742 Lives saved since 2007 104 Abortion centers closed 196 Abortion workers quit Let us pray for the success of all the campaigns with…

October 5, 2020
Love of God & Neighbor – Oct 05 – Homily – Fr Ignatius
Fr Ignatius gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Oct 05, 2020, Feast of St. Faustina Kowalska, Apostle of Divine Mercy, on how this ties in with love as a central motivation…