Homilies #111 - Tuesday Homily (4min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Today the Franciscans celebrate the memorial of St. Veronica Guiliani (1660-1727). Before dying, her mother assigned one of the five wounds to each…
Homilies #110 - Monday Homily on the martyrs of Gorkum, Holland (5min)>>> Play Ave Maria! Today the Church celebrates the memorial of the martyrs of Gorkum, where in 1572, 19 martyrs - 11…
Homilies #109 - Sunday Homily (7min)>>> Play Ave Maria! Listen to Fr. Joachim's Sunday homily on God's saving plan for mankind and our cooperation in His work: "My ways are not your…
Homilies #108 - First Saturday Homily (3min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The disciples of John approached Jesus and said, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast???…
Homilies #107 - Friday Homily (10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Today is the beautiful feast day (memorial) of the 20th century saint Maria Goretti. We've borrowed here profile from the Patron Saints…
Homilies #106 - Thursday Homily (7min)>>> Play Ave Maria! One of the prerequisites for being a disciple of Christ is seeing and acknowledging our own nothingness before God. Prayer is, in fact,…