40 Days for Life begins internationally
September 24, 2014
40 Days for Life begins internationally
Ave Maria Meditations Pope Francis on the Right to Life: In April the Holy Father addressed a pro-life group saying, "One of the gravest risks our epoch faces, amid the opportunities offered by…

September 29, 2014
Sep 29 – Homily – Fr Matthias: St. Michael and the Popes
Homily #140929n ( 11min) Play - Father Matthias shows us the importance of having recourse to St. Michael by pulling from the words and actions of the modern Popes. Let us call upon…

Pope Francis beatifies Paul VI
October 19, 2014
Pope Francis beatifies Paul VI
It was a symbolic morning at the Vatican which was led by three Popes: Pope Francis declared Paul VI blessed, accompanied by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Benedict XVI, although frail, followed the ceremony…

Pope Francis’ Address Conclusion of Synod | Catholic World Report – Global Church news and views
October 20, 2014
Pope Francis’ Address Conclusion of Synod | Catholic World Report – Global Church news and views
Ave Maria! Pope Francis gave a very interesting address at the conclusion the Synod. It gives a good view of the breadth of his understanding of the pastoral dimensions of the predicament of…
Pope Francis to Visit the Istanbul’s Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia
October 22, 2014
Pope Francis to Visit the Istanbul’s Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia
Pope Francis will depart from Rome's Fiumicino Airport on Friday, November 28th at 9:00am. He will arrive at Ankara at 1:00pm and will visit the tomb of Kemal Atatürk, the father of modern…
Catholic Church celebrates feast day of St. John Paul II, for the first time
October 22 marks the feast of St. John Paul II, and for the first time, the Church celebrates it. This same date marks the opening Mass of his pontificate. He presided over it…

Mary Is the Center of the Communion of Saints, Pope Francis Says | Daily News | NCRegister.com
November 3, 2014
Mary Is the Center of the Communion of Saints, Pope Francis Says | Daily News | NCRegister.com
VATICAN CITY — In his Angelus address for the Solemnity of All Saints, Pope Francis said that it is a joy to have a spiritual family living in eternity and stressed that Mary…

November 4, 2014
Nov 04 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Reach Out With St. Charles
Homily #141104n ( 07min) Play - Father Maximilian comments on the readings of the day and relates them to today's saint, St. Charles Borromeo. Ave Maria! Mass: St. Charles Borromeo - Mem -…
Pope Francis: Church is both hierarchical and maternal
November 6, 2014
Pope Francis: Church is both hierarchical and maternal
Ave Maria! Here is Pope Francis on how the Church is both hierarchical (priesthood, bishops, etc thus fatherly) and motherly (unified and nurturing). This points out the Marian aspect of the Church where…

December 2, 2014
Dec 02 – Homily – Fr Louis Maximilian: A Year for Consecrated Life
Homily #141202n ( 09min) Play - Father reminds us that we are in the first days of the Year for Consecrated Life announced by Pope Francis, comments on the great good that consecrated…

December 12, 2014
Dec 12 – Homily – Fr Matthias: No Knot She Cannot Unknot
Homily #141212n ( 06min) Play - Pope Francis has been highlighting Our Lady as the "Untier of Knots," for it is by Her obedience that the knot tied by Eve's disobedience is undone,…

December 17, 2014
Dec 17 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Pope Francis on the Synod
Homily #141217n ( 013min) Play - Fr. Matthias comments on Pope Francis' catechism of December 17th, which was dedicated to the recent Extraordinary Synod on the Family. Ave Maria! Mass: Weekdays of Advent…